Ted Lange loved the perks that came along with The Love Boat
Ted Lange fell in love with The Love Boat and all the perks that came with working on a cruise ship.

Most entertainers find working in television to be a difficult balancing act. You may hear many young entertainers complain about the basics of the business: waking up early, difficult coworkers and long hours under hot studio lights.
Where most people are quick to complain, Ted Lange was living his best life on a cruise ship, most likely with a martini in his hand.
Ted Lange played The Love Boat's beloved bartender, Isaac Washington, for 250 episodes. Lange may have had his own personal ups and downs during his long career, but according to a 1981 interview with Austin-American Statesman, Lange liked to treat life as though it was one long boat ride in the ocean.
"I've been on eight cruises with the show," Lange said. "I get on the boat and Aaron Spelling Productions pays for my cabin, my food, the whole works. Then they pay me. It's really a sin."
According to the interview, the cruises usually lasted about four weeks with half of that time spent shooting episodes.
"And the cruises keep getting better all the time," Lange said. "The last one — to Australia for five weeks — was the best one yet."
When Lange wasn't enjoying his work, he was a busy man. He was a writer, director, producer, and singer. According to a 1981 interview with The Californian, Lange directed his first episode of The Love Boat in 1981. "The Crew's Cruise" was his directorial debut.
So, maybe going on a cruise was the easy part, but like with most stars, fame always has a price to pay — even if it's small.
"I don't like to shave, but I have to when I'm working on the series," Lange said. "Bartenders don't have beards. I'd like to have more children, but my wife says we should hold off until the next cruise is over."
According to the interview, The Love Boat was viewed in over 69 countries. Some of Lange's favorite places included Australia, Rome, Venice and Istanbul.
Despite some challenges, Lange seemed to have it pretty good on the Pacific Princess. Lange loved The Love Boat just as much as viewers did at the time and he proved that through his acting.
"I've been very lucky... I've never gotten seasick," Lange said. "But one time, I was climbing on the ceiling... I was so happy to get off that boat."