Jerry Mathers almost missed his Leave It to Beaver audition for a Cub Scouts meeting

Apparently, the Beav was ready to bolt.

Fate is a funny thing. If something is meant to be, you can bet it will be, no matter what hoops the universe has to jump through to get it.

Take, for example, Jerry Mathers' audition process to become Beaver in Leave It to Beaver, a role he was destined to play. According to Mathers' memoir, And Jerry Mathers As 'The Beaver,' Mathers' agent heard about the casting but had to bend the truth a bit to convince Mathers' mother to let him audition. Mathers wrote, "She [the agent] called my mother but neglected to tell her the interview was for a series. Rather, she acted like it was only a week's work."

Mathers explained that he was called back for various interviews during the audition process, but on the day of an interview that Mathers called, "The Big One," there was a scheduling conflict of epic proportions; Mathers had a Cub Scout meeting the same day.

Mathers explained, "I was far more excited about my Cub Scout meeting than I was about the interview." In fact, if fate had left it up to a young Jerry Mathers, he might never have been The Beav. Luckily, Mathers had a strong-willed mother who insisted he must go to the meeting. Mathers explained, "I wasn't too happy about it, but my mother said that we had put in a lot of time and that it would be a shame to be down to the very last day and not get the job because of a Cub Scout meeting."

So Mathers was on time for his final audition. However, like any good Cub Scout, he arrived dressed for the occasion. Mathers wrote, "My interview was set for about 3:30, so I wore my Cub Scout Uniform, badges and all, so I could go to the Cub Scout meeting directly after the interview. You can bet I was the only kid who showed up wearing his Cub Scout uniform."

Mathers' interview was with one of the series creators, Bob Mosher, who had seen enough of Mathers to know that the kid was a bit more antsy than normal. When questioned by Mosher, Mathers confessed that he really wanted to go to his Cub Scout meeting, and Mosher encouraged him to go. 

Later that night, Mathers' agent called to tell him that he had won the role. Mathers wrote, "I got it because they were looking for someone who was a real little boy; one who would be more interested in going to a Cub Scout meeting than doing a TV show."

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WGH 11 months ago
Cute story. Doubt that the last part is true about them telling him to go on to the meeting instead of interviewing. But it's still cute.
LoveMETV22 WGH 11 months ago
Actually the last part is true. Jerry Mathers seems to enjoy sharing it in interviews
(published and video):
Runeshaper 11 months ago
Fate indeed! Bob Mosher had a good eye 👁️
Andybandit 11 months ago
Glad he didn't miss out on his audition.
Snickers Andybandit 10 months ago
Can't see anyone other than Mathers playing the beaver.
LoveMETV22 11 months ago
LoveMETV22 11 months ago
I wonder if Jerry Mathers Cub Scout Meeting had any inspiration for the episode "Lonesome Beaver,"
when Wally's scout troop leaves on a camping trip.
Snickers LoveMETV22 10 months ago
Can't seem to remember if Beaver's first name is ever mentioned on the show, Even his mom and dad are always calling him Beaver.
LoveMETV22 Snickers 10 months ago
Yes his first name is mentioned in different episodes throughout the series by Jerry, but other characters as well.
Snickers LoveMETV22 10 months ago
My sister says his name was Theodore.
LoveMETV22 Snickers 10 months ago
She's right. They don't over emphasize it but he is mentioned by that character name occasionally.
Thextoolman Snickers 10 months ago
His name was Theodore.
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