Cindy Williams initially refused to do Laverne & Shirley

Shirley Feeney was almost played by a different Williams!

The Everett Collection

The list of truly great spin-offs isn't very long. For every Maude, there's an AfterMASH and a W*A*L*T*E*R. Far too often, executives misunderstand what audiences love about the source material. Worse, spinoffs are frequently made as hopeful cash-ins, rather than because there's a a real, creative reason. Enos of The Dukes of Hazzard gets his own show because he has a catchphrase, not because we're all sat wondering what he'd be like in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, hearing Sonny Shroyer repeat "Possum on a gumbush!" couldn't justify any more than a paltry 18 episodes.

Laverne & Shirley sits atop the peak of Quality Spinoff Mountain. Its place of favor wasn't an accident, as the cards were stacked in favor of the Milwaukee duo from the start. Laverne and Shirley were Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams, and their casting was very intentional. The pair had known each other before this show. They were both brought on board as comedy writers at Francis Ford Coppola's Zoetrope Production when the company decided it needed more women.

Meanwhile, Penny Marshall's brother Garry created the ABC hit Happy Days, which attracted a huge audience with its memorable characters and nostalgic setting. Garry Marshall cast his sister Penny and her friend and writing partner Cindy Williams to appear in an episode as a couple of willing dates for Happy Days characters Richie Cunningham and Arthur Herbert "Fonzie" Fonzarelli. Willams and Marshall had such natural onscreen chemistry because of their shared experience prior to the show.

These one-off Happy Days characters, Laverne De Fazio and her roommate Shirley Feeney, were so immediately successful that ABC executive (and future Disney CEO) Michael Eisner and his team began exploring the idea of a spinoff. There was one problem, though: Williams didn't want to do it.

"Actually, this is kind of the definition of the frustration sometimes in the entertainment business," Eisner told the American Archive of Television in 2006.

"We thought, 'Why don't we take the two of them and make them their own show?' But Cindy wouldn't do it. So, we decided to recast it, and we did a ten-minute scene— or a seven-minute scene. Garry (Marshall) wrote a very, very good scene. We cast Liberty Williams. And it was okay. But it wasn't magic. And then, between the afternoon and the evening, I think Garry talked Cindy Williams into doing it. We'd already shot it with Liberty Williams— no relation. And we shot it [again] after Happy Days that night, with Cindy Williams. It was unbelievable. It was like one of those things you rarely see onstage or anywhere. The place went crazy."

Eisner boarded a plane to New York City immediately after the second iteration of the scene was filmed. Both versions had to be processed before they were screened at ABC. But because the Cindy Williams version was such an obvious winner, Eisner ensured the other reel never made it to the screen. Instead, upon his arrival to the East Coast offices, Eisner locked the Liberty Williams variant in a closet on the building's 38th floor.  

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BradBeall 4 months ago
The one thing I couldn't handle about Laverne & Shirley was Penny Marshall's intense New York City accent. They were supposed to be 2 girls living in Milwaukee, but every time she spoke, visions of sky-scrapers & subway trains popped into my head... and that's coming from a Pittsburgh native!
jimmyvici 5 months ago
Cindy Williams was one of my childhood crushes. Thank goodness she took the part!
StrayCat 5 months ago
When Laverne and Shirley first appeared on Happy Days, they were portrayed as a couple of brassy (loose) women. Then, when they first appeared in their own show, they were remade into sugar, spice and everything nice. They should have maintained their original personas.
bradyguy StrayCat 4 months ago
Umm....Laverne DeFazio was NEVER sugar and spice. She was hot to trot, baby!!
ttenchantr 5 months ago
Sorry, but L&S was unwatchable from the get go and Happy Days rapidly became so as well.
bradyguy ttenchantr 4 months ago
That's probably why Laverne and Shirley became the number one show on television for two seasons!!!
cperrynaples 5 months ago
L&S wasn't the only show Liberty Williams lost! Lisa Hartman replaced her in Tabitha, the Bewitched spinoff! At least ABC ran the Liberty version as a busted pilot! Her only other major project was Gus, the Disney movie with a field goal kicking donkey! i believe Don Knotts was in it!
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bradyguy cperrynaples 4 months ago
Thanks IMDB. But no....Liberty/Louise actually starred in a couple of sitcoms after losing both Shirley and Tabitha. She IS quite a bit prettier than Cindy...but she ain't no LIsa Hartman. Few were!!
bradyguy cperrynaples 4 months ago
Oops. Mule. Not Donkey...
bradyguy Wiseguy70005 4 months ago
Actually, Diane Murphy appeared as Tabatha/Tabitha (Nice call on the name spelling, though. Most people have NO idea it was Tabatha at the beginning) more than 20 times when they were they got older, Erin took over full time. They gave Diane a couple of small parts in the remaining seasons...

Man, I wanted "Tabitha" to succeed. Mostly because of LIsa Hartman, I think... She should have had a bigger/longer career...Knots Landing notwithstanding. But "Where the Boys Are '84" is cute, silly fun, and Hartman is right near the top of the list for "Best-Looking Love Boat Couple", along with Mark Harmon... (Not so much with Michael Lembeck. Sorry, Mike!)
Wiseguy70005 bradyguy 4 months ago
Yes, I know Diane appeared often as Tabitha but I was speaking about the actor's credit. As far as I know, the episode I mentioned was the only one that credited Diane as Tabitha.
As Erin has said, they should have waited a few years to do the Tabitha series and Erin could have played her.
WordsmithWorks 5 months ago
I'd like to see the episode with Liberty Williams. Oh, yeah and why did the writer have to pick on M*A*S*H*? "For every Maude, there's an AfterMASH and a W*A*L*T*E*R" There's been plenty of horrible spin-offs. "Joanie Loves Chachi," "Gloria," and "Beverly Hills Buntz" spring to mind.
Yes. Those are all terrible.
Well,AfterMASH wasn't that bad but Walter was! Even the title was horrible because [a]We all knew him as Radar! [b] MASH was an abbreviation of Mobile Army Surgical Hospital whereas those letters didn't stand for anything! Also, even if it was an abbreviation, you wouldn't put an * AFTER the R!
bradyguy cperrynaples 4 months ago
Well....(a) Those are acronyms, NOT abbreviations...and (b) there IS no asterisk after the R in W*A*L*T*E*R...
Runeshaper 5 months ago
I'm sure glad Cindy Williams took the part! Laverne and Shirley would not have been the same without her.
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