Bugs Bunny showed up in his first live-action film back in the 1940s
Michael Jordan wasn't the bunny's first human co-star.
Bugs Bunny in a live-action movie! What's the first thing that comes to your mind? The 1996 movie Space Jam where he played basketball with Michael Jordan? The 2021 sequel with LeBron James? Maybe even the 2003 Brendan Fraser flick, Looney Tunes: Back In Action?
Well, those aren't the only times the "wascally" wabbit hopped into the third dimension. Technically, he appeared in an animated segment of the 1948 film Two Guys from Texas. But we're talking about Bugs mingling with live-action actors.
That first would be a year later, in the 1949 film My Dream is Yours. This musical starring Doris Day and Jack Carson followed a working gal who got discovered as a big star. But what it might be best remembered for was the extended dream sequence. In an Easter-themed dream, Day and Carson do a dance number with the one and only Bugs Bunny to Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2.
That's right, the first time Bugs hung out with human co-stars was nearly a full half-century before Michael Jordan ever dribbled into the cartoon world.

Watch Bugs Bunny and Friends on MeTV!
One Full Hour
Saturdays at 9 AM
*available in most MeTV markets


When my father told me he'd passed away (Carson died in January of 1963 from stomach cancer) I was saddened.
Remember the Twilight Zone episode [shot on video tape] called "The Whole Truth"? Jack is a hustling used car salesman who ends up buying an old buggy that's haunted - and it forces him to tell the truth at all times! Laugh-In's Arte Johnson played his assistant...
writingwithhitchcock" you? You're a screenwriter and guitarist? ... Or did I get my facts mixed up again...???