14 refreshing vintage ads to get you through the dog days of summer

We're here to give you some mental relief from the heat!

It's the end of July, which means the dog days of summer are upon us. Record heat blanketed the country over the weekend, and there's no end in sight.

We really need some relief. Whether it's frosty air conditioning blasting through the vents or an ice-cold sundae, cooling down is essential at this point of the season.

We're here to give you a mental relief. Here are 14 refreshingly nostalgic ads to take you back in time and cool you down. Enjoy!

1. Dairy Queen always had the perfect treats to cool down on a hot summer day. Cones, Blizzards, burgers and more - Dairy Queen was where it was at. 

2. If you didn't have a Dairy Queen in your area, surely there was a Tastee Freez.

3. The most refreshing beverage to help us cool down was a crisp 7UP.

4. Or if we were old enough, a beer. 

5. We hope Gene Kelly could grill just as good as he dances. 

6. Maybe Kelly used French's mustard too? 

7. Root Beer floats or Coke floats were basically essential. 

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8. Or if we were feeling a little bit edgy, we would have 7UP floats. 


9. Nothing tasted more like summer than fresh watermelon. 

10. Kool-Aid? Oh, yeaaah! 

11. These colorful candies always tied over our sweet tooth. 

12. The brighter the color, the tastier the soda! 

13. Sure, maybe Coke had a better reputation, but Pepsi deserves some love too. After all, it did keep us thinking young. 

14. Okay, we can't complete this post without another Dairy Queen ad. It was the highlight of our summers. 

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bagandwallyfan52 30 months ago
The song SNOWFLAKE sung
By Jim Reeves.
WilliamJorns 30 months ago
We had a Dairy Queen down at the south end of our block in the Chicago suburb where I lived as a kid. There were many summer nights & afternoons when we went down to that DQ to get some ice cream treats. I also remember drinking the various flavors of Canada Dry beverages, as well as Seven-Up floats with lime sherbet or different flavors of Kool-Aid. Boy, these ads brought back some memories!
15inchBlackandWhite 30 months ago
Who knew Canada Dry had flavors other than Ginger Ale? I do remember lots of pop flavors in returnable glass bottles though.
cheduff 30 months ago
Remember those rainbow popsicles? 3 wide red, white and light blue horizontal stripes?
KawiVulc 30 months ago
Nope, no DQ. We had a drive in called The Tropical Treat over towards Hanover (PA) that had everything you could want including burgers for me & shrimp baskets for my sister, not to mention awesome soft serve. As far as I know it's still there. The best flavored soda around was A-Treat, they even sponsored the points championship at the local dirt track, Lincoln Speedway. Of course, not they make it with that high fructose corn sugar crap...
rikkirat 30 months ago
“Kool-Aid makes it fun to be thirsty” Really? Ask the 2 billion people who don’t have access to clean drinking water (cdc) if they find it fun to be thirsty. Even if it was the 50s and 60s they should have known better.
Michael 30 months ago
Some of this reminds me ofgoing to theUS on summer vacation, mostly to Maine. So yes, ice cream at Howard Johnson. But candy was sufficiently different that it added to the excitement. And then off to the grocery store, which either had better air conditioning than at home, or maybe I didn't go along much. Maybe less different food, but vacation is a time for variety. I alsoremember getting submarines/hoagies/grinders in some small shop, and reading a Little Lulu comic book.
adamsbabe 30 months ago
90s kids like me grew up with kool aid yummy
Runeshaper 30 months ago
Lots of delicious foods in here!
cheduff 30 months ago
Two of my favourites: Tahiti Treat for ice cream floats and Hawaiian Punch to make homemade freezies in those Tupperware 6 pack upside down with plastic sticks freezie makers.
Peter_Falk_Fan 30 months ago
My grandmother had a bunch of Kool-Aid mugs. She used one exclusively for measuring laundry detergent. My mom, however, bought Funny Face drink mixes instead of Kool-Aid.

I used to get a chocolate-dipped cone or a banana split at the DQ. Then I discovered the Peanut Buster Parfait. Yum!
Michael 30 months ago
I'd like to get some of those insulated thermo tumblers at 29 cents.

I can't imagine putting Cherry Garcia in a float. The cherries and chunks would block the straw.

Maybe that's why Howard Johnson chocolate chip ice cream was more like grated chocolate.
MissTheOldDays 30 months ago
I loved looking at these old ads. I sometimes spend hours watching old tv commercials from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s on YouTube. Watching the old ads makes me feel such peace and happiness.
BillO MissTheOldDays 30 months ago
I do the same thing. I especially enjoy watching Christmas commercials from the 70's and 80's on YouTube.
KJExpress MissTheOldDays 30 months ago
I feel the same way about those old ads. I still remember all the old jingles, too!
Michael 30 months ago
What aspread at Gene Kelly's house.
madvincent 30 months ago
there is a Dairy Queen on A1A in New Smyrna Beach Florida that still looks like that picture,same neon sign on the roof and all glass building..... and $1 hot dogs........ahh the old days
daDoctah 30 months ago
We only had 7-Up when we had a case of the throw-up tummy. The lemon-lime concoction of choice for actual drinking was Bubble Up.
Michael daDoctah 30 months ago
We got ginger ale, and I don't think I knew as a kid that there other brands than Canada Dry.

But I did assume it was the fizzing that was supposed to help. But even three years ago, my sister believed it was the ginger. She believes in it, bit none of her remedies work for me. I doubt there's enough ginger in there to do anything.
mustang54 Michael 30 months ago
In Michigan the go to drink when you weren't feeling well was Vernor's Ginger Ale. It doesn't have as much ginger or zing in it as back then but it's still the only ginger ale I'll buy.
brenda558844 Michael 30 months ago
The remedy was warm/room temperature gingerale or warm/room temperature water mixed with "cola" syrup. You could buy cola syrup from the drug store. The syrup was not made by the Coca-Cola company, it was generic.
KJExpress daDoctah 30 months ago
My mom gave us ginger ale when we had upset stomachs. Now I can't drink it anymore. 😛
MichaelFields 30 months ago
Tastee Freeze is in Wienerschnitzel now
McGillahooala 30 months ago
Who knew Canada Dry used to make all those flavors of soda in addition to ginger ale?
madvincent McGillahooala 30 months ago
madvincent McGillahooala 30 months ago
in 1976 Gottlieb made a Canada Dry pinball machine........
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