You're a music aficionado if you can remember these '60s folk songs!

Can you recall the tunes of the times?

 CBS Films

Oh, the times they were a-changin'!

How well do you recall these songs of the '60s? Folk was one of the most important emergent genres of the decade. So, we want to know how well you were paying attention!

Give this quiz a shot, and see whether you're a true master of the artform. Let us know your score in the comments section below! 

  1. “Alice’s Restaurant” was released in 1967 by...
  2. "The Sound of Silence" was a hit in '64 for...
  3. “Helplessly Hoping” was recorded during the first session for which group?
  4. “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right” was performed for the first time at the Gaslight Cafe in '62. Who sang it?
  5. Although “Both Sides Now” was first recorded by Judy Collins, it was written by which artist?
  6. "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" was written, composed, and first performed by...
  7. While folk as we know it is largely an American genre, which Australian group had a hit in '64 with "I'll Never Find Another You"?
  8. "Hang me, oh, hang me I'll be dead and gone." So go the lyrics to a song by which musician?
  9. "Don't Let the Rain Come Down (Crooked Little Man)" was the debut recording for which folk group?
  10. "Greenfields" took which act all the way to No. 2 in 1960?

You're a music aficionado if you can remember these '60s folk songs!

Your Result...

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vg2023 5 days ago
I can't help it if I don't know no hit wonders.
WILD 10 days ago
You got 6 out of 10
Maybe you're more of a Metalhead!

I've never heard of any of those singers or the song in number 8.
ElizabethBoop 11 days ago
For anyone who correctly ruled out The Atlantics on #7 because an Australian group would obviously not call themselves that, there actually *was* an Aussie group called the Atlantics, but they were instrumental surf guitar stuff (think the Ventures), not folk. Their biggest hit was called Bombora, but I'm partial to the surf version they did of Mozart's Rondo Alla Turk.
Crisco ElizabethBoop 6 days ago
Yes,I've heard of them.
frances3agape 11 days ago
8/10 Missed never heard of No. 8 "Hang me, oh, hang me I'll be dead and gone" & No. 9 "Don't Let the Rain Come Down (Crooked Little Man)"
gbell frances3agape 11 days ago
…my roofs got a hole in it and I might drown…
We regularly sang that in grade 3 or 4 around 1965-ish. I didn’t know it was a ‘record’. 😀
WILD gbell 10 days ago
I wasn't born until Christmas Day 1964, so it's no wonder I never heard of it.
I missed those too, never heard of both the songs and artist.
Crisco gbell 6 days ago
My thought on the hang me song was totally wrong. I was thinking hang me,hang me,they outta take a rope and hang me,high from the highest tree !
JHP 12 days ago
6/10 - am cool with that since #6 is so so close to my ticker...I Love Gordon Lightfoot
Coldnorth JHP 11 days ago
Gordon lightfoot’s Wreck of the Edmond Fritzgerld me cry to this day when. I hear it. I saw that freighter time to time loading pellets to be taken to Algoma Steel in Canada. I live by Lake Superior. I can still remember the night it sunk cuz we had a terrible storm where I live. Lake Superior is so cold in the summer imagine what it was in November. The song really gets to me when they ring the bell 29 times for those who died. Really listen to the lyrics. He did a great job telling that true story
Coldnorth JHP 11 days ago
Edmond Fritzgerld was from the middle 70,s
JHP Coldnorth 11 days ago
I live in the Milw area and across the street from one of my childhood homes lived one of the crew that went down with the ship. Cannot remember the last name of the family - maybe Kruger?
JHP Coldnorth 11 days ago
Gordon did better than a great job with lyrics. It is like he was there on that night,,,spooky as can be and yet the song keeps your ears to it.
Coldnorth JHP 11 days ago
I totally agree. None of the crew were ever recovered and the only thing in the maritime museum is the bell
JHP Coldnorth 10 days ago
and the crew should stay where they are - even today:(
Coldnorth JHP 10 days ago
Yes they should. The family agreed to it too.
frenchman71 12 days ago
8/10. Got #8 & 9 wrong. I picked too quick on #9. Rooftop singers did "Walk Right In". Never heard of #8. I thought it was "Dang Me" by Roger Miller.
gbell frenchman71 11 days ago
Yup, Dang Me came to mind for me too.
I often pick too quick too. Instant regret. 😆
Coldnorth frenchman71 11 days ago
King of the Road was one of my favorites of his
frenchman71 Coldnorth 11 days ago
One of the best country songs ever made.
Coldnorth frenchman71 11 days ago
I still know the words to it. It was the best song to sing along to
ElizabethBoop 12 days ago
I was never able to take folk music seriously because my other had gone to high school with the Smothers Brothers, and we had all their albums around the house when I was a kid.
I saw them at the Paper Mill Playhouse decades ago, they were terrific.
Their dad, Major Tom Smothers, was captured by the Japanese and sent on the infamous
Bataan Death March. He was sent to various places as slave labor, like his comrades
(who looked like walking skeletons) he was eventually murdered or worked to death.
His sons must be very forgiving as they eventually did Sony commercials, I don't think
I could do that, on the other hand I wouldn't presume to judge them.
8176Morgan 12 days ago
"You got 10 out of 10. You're true "folk" folk!' Yeah! But #3 was a pure guess, and #9 was a real teaser. I almost selected "The Rooftop Singers" who had a hit later called "Walk Right In". The rest I knew, more or less.
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