Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?

The women of Mayberry were always in style, but can you guess which one was wearing these outfits?

 CBS Television Distribution

The women of Mayberry always appeared on our television screens in style, and their attire seemed to fit perfectly with their character's personalities. Thelma Lou and Helen Crump were two recurring characters who Barney and Andy had their eyes on and even dated.

Although the two women had different personalities, their outfits were slightly similar on The Andy Griffith Show. What if you had to identify the two characters based on their clothing? Would you pass?

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  1. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  2. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  3. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  4. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  5. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  7. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  8. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  9. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution
  10. Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?
     CBS Television Distribution

Who's wearing this: Thelma Lou or Helen Crump?

Your Result...

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ReneDelgado 24 months ago
9 out 10, any time you see arms folded, you know that's Helen mad about something
Deleted 24 months ago
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Beatseeker 24 months ago
yeh! is barney or andy wearing this dress?
SteveMcnary 24 months ago
Got 9/10 & guessed on all of them.
AgingDisgracefully 24 months ago
I successfully recognized their bodies more than the clothes.
Understanding that's a terrible thing to say out loud in 2023, could someone tell me which Apology Demand I should ignore first?
Wenatchee7 24 months ago
9/10 The coat on #3 looks like it's hanging on department store mannequin.
Rick 24 months ago
8/10 - in #6 you can tell it's Helen's dour personality shining through just in the pose.
JHP 24 months ago
The women of Mayberry were always in style - really?!? - Did HELLen frump buy that big button coat for MTM? (what a tacky teacher - but always perfect - referring to opie's report card)

8/10 - am proud of that score (Yeah Boy!)
frenchman71 24 months ago
6/10. This is terrible. Almost as terrible as the hats that Aunt Bee wore on the show.
frenchman71 24 months ago
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JHP frenchman71 24 months ago
oh c'mon now - "we aren't spring chickens anyMO"
JHP daDoctah 24 months ago
someone else - Like Barbara Eden? (snicker snicker)
JHP daDoctah 24 months ago
with that Ep - can't figure out why there would be a dress hanging the Mayberry jail for BARN to wear just before going to pinch the Bookie Barber
JHP 24 months ago
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JHP daDoctah 24 months ago
Now did you mean Clara or Bertha? (snicker snicker)

Actually BARN wore that outfit in the bank EP - he was on a rampage cause of a Glenn Ford movie - he should have settled down and had a bite of Leon's jelly sandwich
Andybandit 24 months ago
I got 9/10. I got #2 wrong. Off the subject. I never realized how jealous Helen gets when Andy is talking to a woman.
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