Which of these British Invasion bands was your favorite?

The best thing since Marmite!


Here's the deal... We're taking The Beatles, The Stones, and The Who off the table. We KNOW everybody loves those bands. We want to even the playing field for some of these other groups.

So, take a look at these jolly good exports and tell us which one is your favorite.

Some of these are all-timers, while others may have just caught a convenient wave! 

Let us know your pick and see how your choice stacks up against your MeTV neighbors!

  1. Which British Invasion band is your favorite?

Which of these British Invasion bands was your favorite?

Your Result...

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marmetv20 1 day ago
I said Hollies it was between that and Herman's Hermits they were gteat!
suckit777 7 days ago
The who
Coldnorth suckit777 3 days ago
This could go on and on. It’s like who’s on first
murgatroid45 8 days ago
Rory Storm & the Hurricanes, Johnny Kidd & the Pirates.
TImMay1968 8 days ago
I chose the Hollies because they had the most songs I was familiar with but like most of them except small faces and the pretty things never heard of them.
onesears 10 days ago
What about the Bee Gees... Yeah, the disco stuff is good, but the early stuff is even better!!
STTOS 10 days ago
Like everyone else I will ask where the Beatles are and even The Who? I just chose my favorite of those listed and went with The Kinks.
dimestore 10 days ago
I’m just glad they didn’t have the Beatles on here , hate them and their bubble gum crap
Ty76 10 days ago
The Beatles
8176Morgan Ty76 10 days ago
They would have been the easy winners if they were included which is why they and a few other of the really big British bands from the '60s were not present on the list.
Starman13 12 days ago
This must be a joke. Let's not include the Beatles. Crazy
jlkling 12 days ago
Spooky Tooth
Bapa1 jlkling 12 days ago
You Broke My Heart So I Busted Your Jaw. Gary Wright, Mick Jones (Foreigner) and Greg Ridley (Humble Pie) were all in that band at various times.
CortneyNicole 13 days ago
I choose The Kinks. I'm surprised that The Beetles or The Rolling Stones didn't show up on this quiz. There the best greatest #1 band on the Billboard.
Ratt1959 CortneyNicole 12 days ago
I like all they mentioned, but really like the Kinks.
Brad 13 days ago
I got 2% by choosing The Spencer Davis Group, but in all honesty, to me, they only rate a small portion above the others on this amazing list, and that's primarily because of the music they made after The Spencer Davis Group disbanded and the members went on to become many of rock's best musicians. That's right, I judge a band's (or a person's) musical prowess on the quality of the instrumental talent put forth by them. For me, song lyrics really don't count for much, which is why I stopped being a Beatles' fan many years ago. Sure, George was a great guitarist, but the others were just kinda "meh"... the same can be said for the Rolling Stones. And Keith Moon will always be the world's greatest drummer!
ElizabethBoop 13 days ago
The Beatles were actually the *third* British act to hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 (the usual standard choice of charts for such record-keeping). People overlook the first two because the songs in question were both instrumentals, so there were no accents evident.

First was "Stranger on the Shore" bt clarinetist Mr Acker Bilk in 1961. (Bilk was a guest on one of the Ed Sullivan Shows on which the Beatles also performed).

The second "British" invasion chart-topper was the group The Tornadoes, who scored in 1962 with "Telstar". The Beatles first #1 was "I Want to Hold Your Hand", which in 1964 led off a string of three hits for the Fab Four with a combined run of fourteen weeks, which finally ended when Louis Armstrong's "Hello, Dolly" took over the number one spot.
sjbang88 13 days ago
70% similar, I picked The Kinks. Ray Davies is a genius.
Reading the comments for this quiz is quite interesting. People are asking why The Beatles or Rolling Stones aren't included, when the answer is written in the description of the quiz. Also, people are wondering where bands are that came long after the British Invasion. It just strikes me as funny.
Brad sjbang88 13 days ago
Some people don't bother to read anything other than what they deem to be "important".
CouchPotato987 13 days ago
Why aren’t The Rolling Stones and The Beatles apart of this list?
sjbang88 CouchPotato987 13 days ago
They explained that in the description of the quiz.
ncadams27 13 days ago
Herman’s Hermits? After “I’m Into Something Good”, there songs weren’t released in England as they were considered a novelty group (e.g. Henry the VIII). In 1967 they did have a Top 10 hit in England with “No Milk Today”, which was only released as a B-side in the US. Go figure!
Exactly! Who gives a flying fig about Herman’s Hermits? Maybe Henry the VIII and Sam Wheat from “Ghost”…lmao
ElizabethBoop ncadams27 13 days ago
A number of their singles were covers of songs originally recorded by 1930s performer George Formby.
Brad ncadams27 13 days ago
Herman's Hermits was a great group, very much like some of the others on this list, they were primarily interested in making a few dollars from their popularity in America. Personally, I like them.
PiperMaru 14 days ago
Quite presumptuous to assume "everyone" LOVES the Stones and the Who.
JohninND 14 days ago
Out of the list I chose The Kinks, before even seeing the whole list.
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