Which Christmas special was it?

Can you tell one Rankin/Bass special from the other?


Rankin/Bass Productions were the KINGS of Christmas TV specials.

Nothing rings in the holidays quite like a stop-motion or traditionally animated retelling of a classic story.

You know them. You love them. You probably grew up watching them. Let's see how much you recall about these legendary animated classics.

Be sure to share your score and your memories in the comments section below.

  1. Which one featured Fred Astaire's voice acting skills?
  2. Jimmy Durante gave his final film performance in which of the following?
  3. Which one has a character named Professor Hinkle?
  4. Burl Ives narrates which one?
  5. Which one features the Abominable Snowman?
  6. In which one did Mickey Rooney voice Kris Kringle?
  7. Burgermeister Meisterburger is the bad guy in which one?
  8. King Moonracer is the island ruler in which one?

Which Christmas special was it?

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deltadart 2 months ago
8/8 Easy!

1962 Mr. Magoo a Christmas Carol
1964 Rudolph
1965 Charlie Brown
1966 Grinch
1968 Little Drummer Boy
1969 Frosty
1970 Santa Clause is coming to town
1974 Year without Santa Clause
1974 Twas the Night before Christmas

Twelve years and nine great specials, stay little and live in a Time Warp!

Merry Christmas to all!
bradyguy deltadart 2 months ago
LOL...Santa CLAUSE??? Clearly a child of the 90s and DIsney...
Marzbarr 3 months ago
8/8 ❤️ Rankin Bass grew up with these classics in Australia. Those were the best days.
Coolrain 13 months ago
You got 8 out of 8
You did it! It's a Christmas miracle!
Herbert 13 months ago
Happy new year to all the quiz fans of meTV.
Daddyyo 13 months ago
I also Loved the sons of Mother Nature from the year without a Santa Claus. Heat Miser and Snow Miser
bradyguy Daddyyo 2 months ago
A classic!! They didn't air that one as much before the era of cable, streaming, etc. I couldn't convince people that it had actually happened!! LOVE me some Misers!!
geatornez82 13 months ago
8/8. Rudolph and Frosty have been traditions in my family since 1984 (recorded from TV). Santa Claus is Comin' To Town became one in 1993 (parents bought this along with Rudolph and Frosty, since we had taped over the 1984 airings . . . . stupid us).
CaroleThorpe 14 months ago
You got 8 out of 8
You did it! It's a Christmas miracle!
Lonewolfhtp 14 months ago
Easy when you’ve watched them you’re entire life every year and then some.
Runeshaper 14 months ago
7/8 Lots of fond memories watching these as a kid with my fam! ❤️

You did it! It's a Christmas miracle!
MikefromJersey 14 months ago
"You got 8 out of 8. You did it! It's a Christmas miracle!"

My buddy's mom had gone to Snuffy's then roadside stand in Scotch Plains, NJ. to buy meat
and had dragged us along. The older man in front of us in line turned to leave with his hamburger
when she gasped and said, "It's Jimmy Durante!"
His wife's family lived in town and he was getting dinner so he only chatted for a few minutes.
When we got home Mrs. Mullen told so many people about Durante being there she probably
trebled Snuffy's business.
Since then I get a kick out of seeing him kick the bucket in Mad Mad Mad World when it's on.
I'd have rather met his cast mates Jonathon Winters or Leo Gorcey but you can't have everything.
tootsieg MikefromJersey 14 months ago
Great story. I remember Snuffy’s in Scotch Plains. I love Jimmy Durante’s scene in Mad Mad Mad World. Always makes me laugh. Thanks for the memories.
MikefromJersey tootsieg 14 months ago
Hi Tootsieg,
Thanks pal. It's remarkable how many movies/TV series film in the area now.
Cranford is constantly in the flickers, I think the comedy "Guess Who's Coming" with
Bernie Mac got the ball rolling. Westfield had the series "Ed", a Queen Latifah movie,
a Japanese Rom-Com, many other films and lots of commercials. Oh and a Peter Falk
comedy at the Garwood Rest Bar in Garwood.
Jeffrey 14 months ago
"You got 4 out of 8" -----"Santa Claus is Comin' Town ---Just... not your town. because you didn't score very well."
BradBeall 14 months ago
Does anyone remember when K-Mart carried the plastic characters from these movies? And yes, there were BOTH versions of the abominable snowman, the "before' and "after", as well as the same thing for the "Winter Warlock". and yep, I have them all.
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