The Experts-Only Zombie Movie Quiz
When there's no more room in heck... The dead will walk!

The Everett Collection
This is for hardcore fans of the shuffling undead! It's also for folks that like a good scream (or a good laugh)!
Whether you know your stuff or not, we're celebrating all things zombie with this nifty quiz! Give it a shot, share your score in the comments section below, and let us know your favorite zombie movie of all time!
What is the title of George Romero's THIRD zombie movie?
Which of these movies stars Jeffrey Combs as a medical student who brings back the dead with a special serum?
Simon Pegg stars in this British homage that mixes humor with the classic zombie formula...
"Alien" scribe Dan O'Bannon mixes punk aesthetics with a fun take on zombies in...
Bela Lugosi stars in this 1932 movie that roots zombies in voodoo culture. It shares a name with a band from the '80s and '90s!
"Dead Alive" is a 1992 effort from Peter Jackson's early career. He's better known for which trilogy?
What was one of the major innovations that pushed the genre forward in 2002's "28 Days Later"?
James Ellison stars in this 1943 Jacques Tourneur-directed picture which partly reinterprets "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte.
This 1964 Vincent Price movie is based on a Richard Matheson Novel and features a plague of vampire-zombies.
Which of these is a zombie comedy (or Zom-Com) starring Woody Harrelson?

The Experts-Only Zombie Movie Quiz
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Fresh idea for zombie movie "Gumbie Zombie" our little green ball of clay turns into a zombie.Will Pokie escape?