See if you recognize these classic TV stars relaxing in their homes

These beloved stars chilled just like the rest of us.


Home is where we relax, spend time with family, cook meals, unwind and watch television. Even those celebrities on the TV screen do the same in their downtime.

In fact, we've gathered some charming images of classic television stars chilling in their pads back in the 1950s and 1960s. 

See if you can recognize them off the set and out of costume — and try to match them to their characters!

  1. Some of them answer fan mail. Who is opening letters with the family?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  2. Some brush up on their homework. Which couple is this?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  3. Some have a snack in the kitchen. Who did he play?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  4. Some enjoy a cup of orange juice in the morning. Who did he play?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  5. Some catch up on their periodicals. He played which 1970s crime-solver?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  6. Others dive into a good book. He played…?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  7. Some model a new wool sweater. You know him as…?
     Image: AP Photo
  8. Some bake. She starred on her own sitcom as…?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  9. Some play with the kids. You know him best as…?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  10. Some paint. She played which character?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  11. Some play with their newborns. Which character do you spot in this picture?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  12. Some make phone calls with their siblings. Who do you spot here?
     Image: AP Photo
  13. Some hang out with their trophies. Which performer is this?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  14. Some gather the entire clan together. Two of the people in this photo went on to play…?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  15. Some cuddle up with their sweethearts. Which character do you spot in this photo?
  16. Bonus: The baby on her lap grew up to play which 1980s character?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  17. Some watch movies with their 3-D projector. He played which character?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  18. Some make recordings with their loved ones. She starred on which series?
     Image: The Everett Collection

See if you recognize these classic TV stars relaxing in their homes

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DerekBird 45 months ago
You got 13 out of 18
Be sure to jot down your score! How did you do? Also: Can you recognize this TV star drawing at home? Make a guess in the comments!

Missed: #8, 9, 14, 15, 17.
EllisClevenger 56 months ago
You got 17 out of 18
Be sure to jot down your score! How did you do?
Missed #18.
Carolynfmr 57 months ago
Oops! I believe you are correct. She does look like Carol Burnett.
RobinBWood 57 months ago
16 out of 18 and that's Carol Burnett.
dethLSMO89 58 months ago
16 out of 18. Pretty good. Had no idea who the person at the end is but I agree, it looks like Carol Burnett.
GregLemieux 58 months ago
17/18 Only missed #9 and I still can't believe that's who is was.
LindaWilliams 58 months ago
You got 17 out of 18
Be sure to jot down your score! How did you do? Also: Can you recognize this TV star drawing at home? Make a guess in the comments!
Is it Carol Burnette
Newyorkcitygal 58 months ago
16/18 Did not recognize a few faces.
HWestgate76 58 months ago
Everyone's Favorite funny lady Carol Burnette
janet0312 58 months ago
You got 17 out of 18
Be sure to jot down your score! How did you do? Also: Can you recognize this TV star drawing at home? Make a guess in the comments!

I missed the Diagnosis Murder one. And that looks like Carol Burnett.
Elvis 58 months ago
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