Quiz: Which Lucy expression best captures your current mood?

Before emojis, there was Lucille Ball.


Before emojis, there was Lucille Ball. She was the comedienne of 1,000 faces, and she showed every one of them on I Love Lucy. Once a model, Ball had masterful control over her facial expressions. She would have been as big a star in silent pictures. From silly to sad to happy to mad, Lucy Ricardo displayed many moods. 

Which Lucy face best encapsulates all your current feelings?
  1. What is the weather like outside?
  2. How was your commute today?
  3. What did you have for lunch today?
  4. Pick a German word.
  5. What made you laugh today?
  6. Which Beatles song would you want to hear right now?
  7. Who is the last person to call you?
  8. What adjective best describes your day?
  9. Pick a color.

Quiz: Which Lucy expression best captures your current mood?

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Take another quiz: Who said it: Spock or Fonzie?
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