Let's see if you can tell the difference between All In The Family and In The Heat of the Night just from a close-up of Carroll O'Connor

You Carroll O'Can't go wrong with this quiz!

 Sony Pictures Television/MGM Television

To love an actor like Carroll O'Connor is as easy and effortless as breathing. But how well do you truly know the man who made your television his home base? In this quiz, we're showing you a zoomed-in photo of Carroll O'Connor, and you've got to tell us if it's a still from All In The Family or In The Heat of the Night.

Watch All in the Family on MeTV!

Two full hours!

Sundays at 8 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. What show is this Carroll from?
  2. What show is this Carroll from?
  3. What show is this Carroll from?
  4. What show is this Carroll from?
  5. What show is this Carroll from?
  6. What show is this Carroll from?
  7. What show is this Carroll from?
  8. What show is this Carroll from?
  9. What show is this Carroll from?
  10. What show is this Carroll from?

Let's see if you can tell the difference between All In The Family and In The Heat of the Night just from a close-up of Carroll O'Connor

Your Result...

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csonka71 13 months ago
10/10. Guess I'm NOT a Meat Head. Lol.
WGH 14 months ago

He appears much older in the In the Heat of the Night photos. And he was much more likely to have a look of concern or disdain, rather than the angry shouting look of Archie Bunker in the iconic All in the Family or Archie Bunker's Place.

TamaraJo1957 14 months ago
10/10 I know the face of Carroll O'Connor because my step father had the same face, literally.
andrewandrewandrew 14 months ago
10/10 I have never seen In the Heat of the Night
It is a really good show. You should check it out.
FLETCH 14 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Woah! You're such a great Carroll O'Connor fan, you should go door-to-door CARROLL-ING!
MikefromJersey 14 months ago
Hey MeTV staff,
I notice of late that when we post, sometimes that post is repeated again, though for some reason
it may be several posts "down" from the original. What gives?
It reminds of a few years ago when if you were clicking on a quiz answer, it would suddenly move
and you clicked on a different/wrong answer. You fixed that, thank you, maybe you can take
a shot at this problem. Thanks guys.
IndianaRockz 14 months ago
Carroll's face was a bit more plump on All in the Family.
WGH IndianaRockz 14 months ago
And quite a bit younger. And less wrinkly. And less angry.
GTStang08 14 months ago
10/10...It's all about that facial expression O'Connor displayed.
WilliamJorns 14 months ago
10 out of 10. The secret is in the lighting. The scenes from "All in the Family" are much more brightly lit, being a videotaped program, than "In the Heat of the Night," which was filmed.
Just an aside, I know MTM didn't produce All in The Family:
I recall reading maybe 30 years ago they had to quickly transfer all the MTM series from
videotape to film because the videotape MTM had used was suddenly fading/getting fuzzy.
Of course they still retained the videotape type visuals when you look at them.
The handful of Twilight Zone episodes videotaped in black and white are visually quite
striking for some reason in high definition TV, the images leap at you much more than
the ones that were filmed. If anyone knows why that is, could you please explain the
tech reasons? Thank you.
Always_andy 14 months ago
10/10, recognized all the Heat episodes.
NickG 14 months ago
8 of 10. for Heat…. Picked concerned Carroll. For ALL… picked constipated Carroll
GTStang08 NickG 14 months ago
Constipated Carroll?...lol Okay, let's go through each being as constipated Carroll as I see it:
#1 "Oh Lord, I overindulged on meatloaf, I'm constipated and need some help" Carroll
#2 "I told Edith not to serve me milk with that mac-n-cheese...ah jeez!" Carroll
#3 "Arrrrrgghh...so you don't want tah budge huh...I'll fix you" Carroll
#4 "AHHH Edith!...Where's the Pepto! I'm hurtin' heeya!" Carroll
#5 "Now look, make no mistake about it, I've giving you a lawful order to come out" Carroll
#6 "Yea buddy! Who's winning now? Me or that meatloaf?!?" Carroll
#7 "Nice and easy...nice and easy,,,nice and e...Ahh shucks, dare goes ah hemroid" Carroll
#8 "Well I'm not questioning my irregularity, I'm just not drinking this terrible tasting GoLytely" Carroll
#9 "It feels like I need ah stick of dynamite to unload this here..." Carroll
And the final constipation quote from Carroll aka Archie:
#10 "Edith...did you use, baking soda........or bakin' Powder!?!" Carroll
Edith: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
I had too much time on my hands... But I hope this made you laugh some too!
TamaraJo1957 GTStang08 14 months ago
You forgot STIFLE It Edith! LOL
ellswt 14 months ago
10/10 he had a better make up man on in the heat of the night
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