Is this Carol Burnett on her own show or something else?

She sang, danced and made us laugh on sitcoms, talk shows and the silver screen!


While Carol Burnett is obviously known for her namesake sketch show, it wasn’t the only place she made us laugh during the 1960s and '70s. She was in movies, guest starred on sitcoms and was always a favorite game show or late-night guest.

We’ve compiled many different images from around the time her show was on the air. Can you tell which ones are actually from The Carol Burnett Show and which ones are from something else?

Watch Carol Burnett and Friends on MeTV!

Weeknights at 11 PM
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  1. What is this from?
  2. What is this from?
  3. What is this from?
  4. What is this from?
  5. What is this from?
  6. What is this from?
  7. What is this from?
  8. What is this from?
  9. What is this from?
  10. What is this from?
  11. What is this from?
  12. What is this from?

Is this Carol Burnett on her own show or something else?

Your Result...

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RobertM 30 months ago
I wonder if her appearance on "Match Game" in #7 was the one where her group was walking through the set while the show was being made.
Lillyrose 49 months ago
7 out of 12. Please air "Here's Lucy!"
frances3agape 50 months ago
Awww.... only 9 of 12/
No 11 was NOT FAIR because same character on her show AND Mama's Family
Ooops... should have read comments before posting.
OF COURSE, everyone knew about No 11
shorty251 50 months ago
Number 11 is a trick question!! The character of Eunice was indeed introduced on Carol's own show; "Mama's Family" was a spinoff!
tmor 51 months ago
Carol as eunice was on The Carol Burnett Show in the after stomach turn sketches and on Mama's Family as unit she dressing that green sweater and yellow dress on both shows
marmetv20 51 months ago
11/12 missed the Mama's Family question
Daizy531 51 months ago
9/12 The Eunice Question wasn't Fair it could have been either or I missed it
FLETCH 51 months ago
10 out of 12

The Mammas Family question was a trick question
Smith2017 51 months ago
10/12, I grew up watching Carol Burnett Show, still watches it💋
MaryAnn 51 months ago
#8 looked to me like it was from a soap opera. And I’ve never seen Here’s Lucy so I missed #10 as well.
Toot1956 51 months ago
11/12 missed #2 Gomer Pyle episode.
Debbie Toot1956 51 months ago
I also got 11/12 and missed that same one. I seen that episode of Gomer. I can't believe I missed that one.
AllisonWunderland 51 months ago
10/12...However, #11 is questionable 🤔 Should be BOTH, that's how I see it 👀 😂
Moverfan 51 months ago
I don't remember Eunice or Ed showing up on Mama's Family at all. Of course, I quit watching the nasty old bat about the second season. Always figured she got what she deserved--Vint, the whiny little man-child (did Ken Berry really need work that bad?) and stuck-up loser Ellen only coming around when she wanted something.
cperrynaples Moverfan 51 months ago
Burnett did a few apperances and Harvey Korman not only played Ed but did opening segments as host Alistair Quince.This was a takeoff on Alistair Cooke but only ran on NBC and never in syndication! Ellen was played by Betty White, but just like Rue McClanahan's Aunt Fran they didn't appear in later episodes because of The Golden Girls! Even Vint Junior pulled a Chuck Cunningham!
Filmnoirfan 51 months ago
9/12 - enjoyed her skits and her performance in The Twilight Zone episode Cavendar is Coming which was not listed above since the black & white photo would have given it away
Moverfan Filmnoirfan 51 months ago
Colorization, colorization! Jocularity, jocularity! (Sorry...apparently I'm channeling Father Mulcahy..or Margaret's impression of him, one of the two...)
lynngdance Moverfan 51 months ago
YAY! FATHER MULCAHY! lol (he’s my favorite M*A*S*H character) (sorry I didn’t have a gif of him saying Jocularity, but I did have this one from the “Gee Ma I wanna go Home) scene🙂)
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