How well do you remember these vintage sayings?

This quiz will have you like, totally bugging.


Slang terms come and go, but some phrases have more staying power than others. We've gathered a few popular sayings from the past few decades, and we want to know which ones you still use in your everyday life!

  1. If you're telling someone you're about to give them a "knuckle sandwich," it probably means that you're going to hit them.
  2. Often times, the word "Applesauce," is used as an exclamatory in response to something outrageously nonsensical.
  3. If you're drinking water, you're drinking "dog soup."
  4. If you're on a roll with something, you're really "cooking with gas."
  5. If someone is nothing more than a pretty face, people might say they're "all show and no go."
  6. If you want someone to leave you alone, you might tell them to "Stop dipping in my Kool-Aid."
  7. When someone wants to know what your issue is, they'll ask, "What's your damage?"
  8. "Bag your face" is used as an insult, usually to call someone ugly.
  9. If someone wants you to leave them alone, they'll say, "Talk to the hand."
  10. If you're "bugging," you're probably freaking out.

How well do you remember these vintage sayings?

Your Result...

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Gossemer 19 days ago
93%. Really depends on geographical location. NY would be different than say California or Texas.
billygardener19 19 days ago
93% similar. You either know them or you don't.
clovergirl 20 days ago
86%. Not bad. A few of those sayings I'd never heard before. They must be regional sayings/phrases.
STTOS 20 days ago
78% similar - 78% similar to the most popular responses. Vintage sayings? Some of these go way back (knuckle sandwich), and while I could be wrong, I beleive some of these originated much more recently, say within the past 10 years or so. Is that vintage?
Kaydee 20 days ago
69% Oh well
Jacki Kaydee 20 days ago
My score was 65% lol☺️
Kaydee Jacki 20 days ago
Good for you
Jacki Kaydee 19 days ago
Same to scored better than me.😄
ERROL 20 days ago
72% similar
72% similar to the most popular responses
Bluerabbit2 20 days ago
I heard of possibly two or three of the sayings. I got 63% similar. Oh, well.
8176Morgan 20 days ago
83% "Talk to the hand" 72% know that phrase. Really?
Ratt1959 21 days ago
93% About 50/50 of heard of and not heard of.
RobertK 21 days ago
83%. A few of the phrases may be regional sayings I'm not familiar with. Others I have heard but won't use, 'cause at my age I already get enough blank stares!! 😕🙄
CortneyNicole 21 days ago
I know some of the phases like Talk to the Hand and a Knuckle Sandwich. Never heard of "Dog Soup" I don't know if it's a phases or not. Lol
justjeff 22 days ago
86% similar
Coldnorth justjeff 21 days ago
Same as you Jeff. Sorry can’t high five you
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