How well do you know the title characters from beloved Gunsmoke episodes?
Do you know Drago, Panacea Sykes and Hard-Luck Henry?

Of the hundreds of Gunsmoke episodes that fill out the show’s incredible 20 seasons, there are a lot that stand out. Many fans love the epic two or even three-part stories told in later years, some episodes are funnier or darker than the rest and some highlight certain characters who visit Dodge City.
These latter episodes often used the characters’ names as titles. Here are 10 Gunsmoke installments that are all named for someone. Do you know who each one of these titular characters are?

Who is this episode centered around?
This episode introduced which character?
Who is the character named in this episode's title?
This episode revolved around...
This episode involves which character's relative?
Who is mentioned in this title?
This Christmas episode refers to...
Who is this episode about?
This dramatic episode revolves around...
Who is this episode about?

How well do you know the title characters from beloved Gunsmoke episodes?
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10 out of 10. Robert Wilke was really an underrated actor from everything like Big Tom to Wild Bill Hickock.
3/10. Just enough to get run out of town! Magnus is one of my favorite episodes. Featuring Robert Easton. Easton was a dialogue coach who specialized in dialects. Especially regional American dialects. He coached major actors. Plus he was on Superman.
This was also a radio episode.
This was also a radio episode.
10/10. Guessed on the last one. I guessed that Print would not be Quint’s father. Don’t remember that one. Going to have to make sure to watch it again.
5 of 10. Need a PhD in Gunsmoke to get through that quiz! Come to think of it, I’ve never known anyone named ‘Newly.’ Have you?