How well do you know Dino from The Flintstones?
Bite into this quiz about everyone’s favorite dinosaur dog.

Sure, The Flintstones is mostly about humans. Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty take up a majority of the screen time. But that doesn’t mean they’re the only charming personalities on the show.
The classic animated series would not be the same without the Flintstones’ lovable purple pet, Dino. The moment he pops his head through the car roof at the drive-in movie theater is an iconic part of the show’s instantly recognizable opening sequence.
But how much do you know about this cute dinosaur "pooch"? Take the quiz below to find out!
What kind of dinosaur is Dino?
Which color has Dino NOT appeared as?
Can Dino talk?
When Fred comes home from work, how does Dino usually greet him?
How does Dino act around the kids – Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm?
Who provided the barks and dog-like sounds for Dino?
Dino was very different in the show’s first episodes. What was his name before Dino?
How did the Flintstones get Dino?
Did Dino ever have any love interests in the original show?
When Dino first met the Rubbles' pet, Hoppy, he was…
Dino is the Flintstones’ only pet. True or False?
Dino walked…

How well do you know Dino from The Flintstones?
Your Result...
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So does anyone know if the Flintstones cat had a name?