Guess the TV Western from 3 names (or less) in the opening credits

A quiz for straight shooters only.

TV Western fans know each show had a star, a sidekick, and plenty of other characters mixed in for intrigue or comic relief. You know the subtle differences and quirky characters of these shows because you watched them mosey across your screen when TV Westerns dominated television.

Nowadays, most folks might not know Sheb Wooley from Chuck Connors, but you do, and you can point straight to the TV Western that featured these dramatic character actors in some of their finest performances.

Below, we've replicated the opening credits of famous TV Westerns, but here's the catch: We've listed first names of actors only. For each show, we give you three, two or one name clues. The straightest shooters in the audience will hit them all in one shot. Good luck!
  1. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 3 names: James, Milburn, Amanda
  2. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 3 names: Lorne, Pernell, Dan
  3. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 3 names: Eric, Clint, Sheb
  4. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 3 names: Clayton, Jay, Glenn
  5. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 3 names: John, Robert, Frank
  6. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 3 names: Richard, Peter, Lee
  7. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 3 names: John, Robert, Spring
  8. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 2 names: Robert, Ross
  9. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with these 2 names: James, Jack
  10. Last challenge, so be sure to shoot straight. Pick the TV Western that started its opening credits with just this ONE name: Chuck

Guess the TV Western from 3 names (or less) in the opening credits

Your Result...

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WILD 41 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
No doubt about it, you're the straightest shooter in the Western TV audience.
ndebrabant 66 months ago

You got 10 out of 10
No doubt about it, you're the straightest shooter in the Western TV audience.
Alanakt 73 months ago
I got 8 of 10, and it said looks like you fell asleep during some of these westerns. 8 out of 10 should get a better rating then that, I could see it if i got 6 or less correct. I missed the big valley and wagon train, both shows I watched and still watch. The questions were so easy that I think I got a bit cocky for two of the questions :)
Tampammm 73 months ago
Perfect game!

Would expect nothing less for my favorite TV Genre - Westerns!!
TimothyStiles 73 months ago
Glenn??? The Lone Ranger, Tonto and Glenn??? Who was Glenn? - Still mystified
daDoctah 73 months ago
Yeah, I "fell asleep" on the two out of ten I missed. Those were the westerns that put me to sleep.
Geronimo 73 months ago
I didnt fell asleep......................9/10
DaleGarland 73 months ago
Got all 10. I've been watching several of these shows recently and frequently on MeTV and a few of those "other" stations that I haven't got the...GRIT to mention on THIS website.
Brownthunder 73 months ago
In my opinion, METV needs new shows, get rid of Charlies Angels. on Sundays do more morning shows instead of kid suff, young adults don't watch tv that early in the morning
Brownthunder 73 months ago
9 out 10 but they say I fell asleep on some. lol
JeanInTN 73 months ago
10 out of 10! We need more of these shows on Me-TV! I've been watching Laramie on GRIT and I can sometimes catch the Lone Ranger on the Cowboy Channel (sister channel to RFD).
Alanakt JeanInTN 73 months ago
I forget the station, but it shows Roy Rogers, followed by Lone Ranger. You can see episodes of roy rogers and the lone ranger on youtube, where I get all my oldies music :)
MrBill 73 months ago
8/10; not too bad for someone who is not a fan of westerns.
Silverlady70 73 months ago
9/10 I missed only one out 10 of the first name of the actors. Humm, Who really watches the open credits? I watch for the interaction of the characters and the stories. I probably could get 10/10 of the character names though.
Tresix 73 months ago
10/10. Sometimes, it pays to be lucky than good!
BrownieMom 73 months ago
I don't watch Westerns. Don't like them.
DaleGarland BrownieMom 73 months ago
Okay!?! Then just tell us how many you got correct.
anthony 73 months ago
5/10.Says"Looks like I fell asleep during some of these".Fell asleep?I was never even awake for most of the thousands of westerns they made in the 50's and 60's.As far as i'm concerned,the 431 episodes of "Bonanza" would have been enough for me.It took years for me to even know some of these shows even existed.I thought I at least of heard of them all,but there were still some more in this quiz I never heard of.Sheesh!!!, TV must have been like 50% westerns between like 1955 and 1970.
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