Do you actually remember all the lyrics to the Wonder Woman theme song?

Make a what a dove? Stop a what with love?

Did you keep up with all the action on Wonder Woman in the 1970s? If so, you must've heard that catchy theme song enough times to make even Wonder Woman dizzy!

If you think you can remember each and every word to Lynda Carter's empowering theme song, put those powers to the test below!
  1. Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman! All the [???] is waiting for you
  2. And the power you [???]
  3. In your [???] tights
  4. Fighting for [???] And the old red white and blue
  5. Now the world is ready for you And the [???] you can do
  6. Make a [???] a dove
  7. Stop a [???] with love
  8. Make a [???] tell the truth
  9. Wonder Woman! Get us out from [???], Wonder Woman!
  10. All our hopes are [???] on you
  11. And the [???] that you do
  12. Stop a [???] cold
  13. Make the Axis [???]
  14. Change their [???] and change the world / Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman!
  15. You’re a [???], Wonder Woman!

Do you actually remember all the lyrics to the Wonder Woman theme song?

Your Result...

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WonderGeorge 20 months ago
My results - 15 out of 15. Not bad at all!

Truly, Wonder Woman was, and still is, quite a memorable show; I only wish I could spin and become the Amazing Amazon from Paradise Island!
DarlingMcKee 61 months ago
Why do you have a picture of Wonder Woman checking her ensemble instead of... say her running and nfl maneuvering through the trees with ease?
DIGGER1 65 months ago
Do you actually remember all the lyrics to the Wonder Woman theme song?
You got 14 out of 15
Yup, you fit everything in the right place. You're a wonder!
I missed #10. I picked "Held" when I should have chosen "Pinned". Oh well, nobody's perfect, right? LOL!
EllisClevenger 68 months ago
You got 13 out of 15
Yup, you fit everything in the right place. You're a wonder!
Missed #11 and #14.
Barry22 70 months ago
14/15, excuse me while I spin around.
AndrewHass 70 months ago
I was 12/15 and i think i did okay considering i guessed on most of them.
UTZAAKE 70 months ago
13/15. Zonked by 11 and 15. Getting a perfect score would've been too surreal.
MrsPhilHarris 70 months ago
12/15 Pretty good considering I have never seen the show.
Joe 70 months ago
[image= Shot 2019-04-24 at 9.05.41 PM.png]
teire 70 months ago
14/15. Wonder how I did that, do not know the song, the lyrics just seemed obvious.
rycki1138 70 months ago
15 out of 15
Yup, you fit everything in the right place. You're a wonder!
stephaniestavropoulos 70 months ago
15/15! "Yup, you fit everything in the right place. You're a wonder!
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