Did these popular foods exists when Perry Mason was on the air?
Could Perry have snacked on Pop Tarts, Jiffy Pop and Tic Tacs?

The Everett Collection
On Perry Mason, we often see the main characters eating in diners and Clay's Grill. What are they eating, exactly? Probably not snacks, fast food and sugary cereals.
But what foods did exist back then?
Perry Mason originally aired from 1957–1966. Did these popular food brands exist in that timeframe? See if you can remember if these treats were around from 1957–66!

Did Kellogg's Pop Tarts exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did McDonald's Big Mac exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Coffee-Mate Creamer exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Miller Lite exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Diet Rite Cola exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Goldfish Crackers exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Tic Tac mints exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did General Mills' "Monster Cereals" exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Nabisco's Chips Ahoy! Cookies exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Jiffy Pop exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Hunt's Manwich exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did SpaghettiOs exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?
Did Hamburger Helper exist when 'Perry Mason' was on the air?

Did these popular foods exists when Perry Mason was on the air?
Your Result...
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I completely agree with "Jeffrey"!
The Flintstones? Ummm nope. Sorry. But if you feel the need to show cartoons to adults, "Rocky and Bullwinkle" I would say yes to!
The Flintstones? Ummm nope. Sorry. But if you feel the need to show cartoons to adults, "Rocky and Bullwinkle" I would say yes to!
6/14 oh well...still absolutely love Perry Mason, Him and Della (YUMMO) and Paul . So good. Makes matlock look like Rocky and Bullwinkle (NOW - ME-TV you want to put on some cartoons? Make it Rocky and Bullwinkle:))
13/14. Missed Chips Ahoy.
There are two brands of Spaghetti-Os. The Franco-American brand is still around today but is now just called Campbell's. According to a YouTube video I found last year (and I agree), it's closer to what you remember from your sixties childhood than the competing product sold by Chef Boy-Ar-Dee.
There are two brands of Spaghetti-Os. The Franco-American brand is still around today but is now just called Campbell's. According to a YouTube video I found last year (and I agree), it's closer to what you remember from your sixties childhood than the competing product sold by Chef Boy-Ar-Dee.
12/14 I remember all these ..esp the popcorn ..mom used to burn the 1st try every time lol ..always had a back up ..I had no idea the gold fish have been around so long //and as a kid when we would go to the cereal row ..we looked for what was on the back of box ..color of box and who was on the box ,and was full of sugar ..we sure weren't looking for mini wheat lol
2 Hong Kong dinners please