Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Hot Rod Otis''
In which Otis is behind the wheel!

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This quiz is about Season 4, Episode 19: "Hot Rod Otis". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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When Otis comes to jail, what are Barney and Andy playing?
Otis requests a wake-up call at...
What story does Andy tell to help Otis sleep?
"I never realized when I was elected County Sheriff, the main requirement for this high office was being read up on..."
Otis wakes up happy as could be, because that Saturday he was planning to...
Barney says that Mayberry's only hope is to make Otis a _____ again.
Barney claims he's an old hand at...
Barney nicknames the courthouse the...
Andy comes up with the plan to fake Otis'...
They proceed to sing...

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Hot Rod Otis''
Your Result...
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Missed the first one.
By the way, on #3, isn't it "The Three Little Pigs?" The three bears in Goldilocks were all different sizes.