Choose your class schedule for this year, and we'll tell you which decade you were actually meant to grow up in
Don't be late to class!

New World Pictures/Universal Pictures/Buena Vista Pictures Distribution
Every kid these days claims that they "Grew up in the wrong decade." Well, in this quiz, we're putting that theory to the test. We're asking you to build your class schedule for the next year, and we'll tell you which decade you were meant to be a teenager in!
Choose a class to begin your day with.
You'll need to choose one of these public speaking classes.
Sorry, but we need you to take a math course this semester.
You've got a free period! How are you spending it?
You'll need to take a history class this semester, but we'll let you choose which one.
Bummer! You've got to take a P.E class. The upside is we'll let you pick the activity.
Will you be joining any music classes?
Any foreign language classes?
Choose a class that'll teach you a useful skill.
Will you be participating in any extracurriculars outside of school?

Choose your class schedule for this year, and we'll tell you which decade you were actually meant to grow up in
Your Result...
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Nope60sand 70s but I didn't take home ec no guy would dare take that class so I taught myself to cook at glad I did and do laundry and everything else you need to survive at should be required in school
My high school years were ‘71-‘75 and the guys had the option to take Batchelor Survival - the ‘equivalent’ to home ec for the girls. Lots of guys took that class and learned how to do housework chores among other things. I have no idea if schools are still offering this for the boys but it’s invaluable!
Graduated in 90's but LOVED teen movies when I was a kid. I'm a huge brat pack fan so almost knew what characters these questions were pointing me to. Curious if answers slightly change to get a different decade
I was actually a decade earlier than this quiz says I should have been. Oh well.
And since when was P.E. a bummer? I took it every year in high school cuz it was FUN!
And since when was P.E. a bummer? I took it every year in high school cuz it was FUN!
This said I was meant to grow up in the 70's, which actually is when I grew up. Graduated in 1979. However, I absolutely hated school, and to this day I still think school was the worst experience of my life... and that's AFTER serving in the Army, doing 30 days jail time for driving while under suspension, and being divorced - twice! School was the worst. My 45th class reunion is in November, and although I've never attended a reunion before, I'm kinda-sorta giving this a thought... just to see how many people have either gone bald, gotten fat, (or both!) or kicked the bucket, so I can poke fun at them.
Yes indeed high school days in the 1970s. I remember the fire drills at our high school. Some of those fire drills while we were all lines up outside, we would see several police cars and German Shepherds. Yep!
You got it right on the nose! The 70's! Those were indeed my "wonder years!" (I graduated from high school in June 1980.)