Cast actors to play classic cartoons & we can guess your age!

Who's a better Wilma, Mrs. C or Lucy?

Classic cartoons are timeless, but today, we have a hunch they'll help reveal your age.

Below, we've picked out seven characters everybody loves from cartoons we all watched growing up, from Looney Tunes to Scooby-Doo. Your task is to put on a casting directors hat and pick the absolutely best person to play the part in a live-action version. 

We include stars we've lost, stars of the past and stars of today, so you should have all the options you need. So consider your current seat a director's chair and see if we can guess your age right!
  1. Who would you cast to play a live action version of Wilma Flintstone on The Flintstones?
     Image: Warner Home Video/Universal Pictures/Summit Entertainment
  2. Who would you cast to play a live action version of Shaggy on Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television/Universal Pictures/Buena Vista Pictures/Paramount Pictures
  3. Who would you cast to play a live action version of Yosemite Sam on Looney Tunes?
  4. Who would you cast to play a live action version of Elroy Jetson on The Jetsons?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution/20th Television
  5. Who would you cast to play a live action version of Betty on The Archie Show?
     Image: Filmation/20th Television/Sony Pictures Television/Worldvision Enterprises
  6. Who would you cast to play a live action version of Jon Arbuckle on Garfield and Friends?
     Image: Story Media Group/The Program Exchange/Warner Bros. Television Distribution/NBCUniversal Television Distribution
  7. Who would you cast to play a live action version of Homer Simpson on The Simpsons?
     Image: 20th Television/Sony Pictures Television

Cast actors to play classic cartoons & we can guess your age!

Your Result...

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TheFanFromUNCLE 20 months ago
36-45. I'm on the tail end of that age group.
Terrence 31 months ago
I'm exactly 56 years old
Good job!
Crystal 31 months ago
All of these guess your age quizzes put me between 45 and 55. I guess I am old for 40.
DerekBird 40 months ago
You are 25 to 35 years old.

I wish that I was. I'm actually 56.
Bookandgamefan3 40 months ago
lol lol You are 25 to 35 I wish! I'm 60
DerekBird Bookandgamefan3 40 months ago
similar to me.
VaughnBaskin 40 months ago
For me i choose Mason Disick-Kardashian as Jonny Quest.
DerekBird VaughnBaskin 40 months ago
That would be idiotic. Just like those idiotic parents.
VaughnBaskin DerekBird 40 months ago
Come on Derek, it's been way too long let Jonny to go live action as well, plus he is H-B's youngest hero you know.
Snickers 42 months ago
They guessed 46 to 55. Wrong I'm 64.
Tammy 55 months ago
Lol no I am not more than 56 ....53
ndebrabant 55 months ago
Cast actors to play classic cartoons & we can guess your age!
You are 46 to 55 years old.
No, I'm 67.
BrianMoore 55 months ago
Apparently I'm 46-55. I'm turning 40 this year, so you're close, MeTV
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You are 46 to 55 years old - not even close! LOL But I prefer the older actors & actresses so I may have fooled them.
Stephen 68 months ago
You are 36 to 45 years old

Not bad, pretty close. I am 51.
DouglasMorris 68 months ago
36 to 45 years old! close, but no cigar!
JuneMiller 68 months ago
You are 46 to 55 years old. Missed it by almost 10 years ;)
ndebrabant 76 months ago
Cast actors to play classic cartoons & we can guess your age!

You are 36 to 45 years old
Nope I am 65.
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