How well do you remember the theme song to 'The Love Boat?'

It's a booooat! (Wait, is that how it goes?)

When it comes to the theme songs of your favorite shows, it seems obvious that you'd know every word by heart. After all, you hear it before every single episode you watch (unless you're watching on Netflix. Bless that "skip intro" button.)

But have you ever read the lyrics to a song you've known for years — or even decades — and thought, "Wait... that's what they say?" Well, maybe you'll think that today. Let's see how well you remember the words to the theme song to The Love Boat!

Watch The Love Boat on MeTV!

Sundays at 5 PM

*available in most MeTV markets

How well do you remember the theme song to 'The Love Boat?'

Your Result...

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Adamtwelvia 5 months ago
I better get them all, I seen the show enough times!
Terrence 29 months ago
As much as I watched this show, I better get all of them right😂
Snickers 40 months ago
4 out of 6. Don't even remember the show all that well let alone the theme song.
Ali23 55 months ago
Got 6 out of 6. Love the Love
Stephen 66 months ago
You got 5 out of 6
All those hours of watching The Love Boat paid off, huh?

Missed #5
DouglasMorris 66 months ago
I got: 6/6! an easy quiz. enjoyed watching the love boat as a kid.
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