Can you tell which TV show was being spoofed in MAD Magazine?

We bid a fond farewell to the ultimate parody magazine.

Image: MAD Magazine, October, 1976

After 67 years,
MAD Magazine is coming to an end. Harvey Kurtzman and William Gaines founded MAD in 1952, originally as a comic book. Starting in October, "new" issues of MAD will only feature new cover artwork, wrapped around reprints of old material. In addition, these reprints will only be available via comic book shops and subscriptions. Publisher DC Comics announced that you'll no longer find MAD on newsstands, according to CNN.

Over the years, MAD has lovingly parodied classic television. Way back in 1958, MAD helped popularize Andy Griffith by turning his hit comedy routine into a comic. Our very own Svengoolie featured in a recent issue, and we felt honored to be jokingly referred to as "MehTV." You know you've arrived when MAD is making fun of you.

Across those seven decades of content, MAD had drawn spoofs of just about every hit TV show. See if you can recognize the series being spoofed below!
  1. The fellow in the leather jacket might be a giveaway.
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  2. Which cast is looking to board the boat here?
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  3. Recognize any familiar characters here?
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  4. Which '60s TV show is getting the parody treatment here?
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  5. Pick the correct 1978 sitcom being spoofed here.
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  6. Spot the beloved Western characters in this spoof?
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  7. How about this spoof?
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  8. How about this parody from a 1978 issue?
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  9. "Gray Dickson" should be a clue to this Sixties spoof.
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  10. Perhaps you recognize the vehicle — or the kid?
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  11. This parody of a Gen-X fashion icon featured a secondary character named "Second."
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.
  12. "Tan Danner" was a spoof of the main character from this series.
     Image: MAD Magazine / DC Comics / Warner Bros.

Can you tell which TV show was being spoofed in MAD Magazine?

Your Result...

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KrisD 12 months ago
Missed #11, never watched either of the three shows
RJOwles 33 months ago
I preferred Cracked magazine when I was a kid.
CaptainDunsel 34 months ago
Can't believe I failed to decipher "Gray Dickson". [sheesh!]
Mymylynn 40 months ago
10/12 which is good because the pictures are tiny and you can't see the words or art too well
PulsarStargrave 48 months ago
10/12 Is the info about MAD still valid, I thought they might have reversed the decision after former DC Comics head honcho Dan DiDio was fired!
ttenchantr PulsarStargrave 35 months ago
While the original version of Mad Magazine ended in 2018 with issue 550, a revamped most reprint version is still coming out. No longer sold on newsstands (whatever those are! ) it is available by subscription and in comic book stores.
EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
What, you worry?
WyattJames 64 months ago
Missed 9 - somehow did not see the dead giveaway "Gray Dickson" in the title
ndebrabant 64 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
What, you worry?

Missed 11. Never watched Blossom.
RedSamRackham 64 months ago
That LOST IN SPACE looked more like LAND OF THE GIANTS ♣
EllisClevenger 66 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
What, you worry?
djw1120 68 months ago
11 out of 12
The only one I missed was # 11
I never watched any of those shows.
Everything else was easy peasy.
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