Can you recognize all these famous guest stars on Maverick?
The classic Western gave one future movie star his very first screen role!

The classic Western Maverick stood out from its fellow horse-ridin’, gun-totin’ frontier shows by focusing more on the humor and wit of its main characters rather than their skills in a fight. But even if the Maverick brothers avoided confrontation, there were plenty of unsavory characters who had no qualms about resorting to violence.
Maverick had many guest stars during its run. Some were about to get their own TV shows while others were just a few years away from movie stardom.
Try to match the names to the famous faces below. Good luck!
Who is the future movie star on the right in this picture?
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Who is on the far left in this picture?
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Which famous Robert is this in his first onscreen role?
Who is playing this uncharacteristically violent role?
This English actor was a guest star before becoming one of the Maverick men. Who is it?
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Which sitcom is this actor from?

Can you recognize all these famous guest stars on Maverick?
Your Result...
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10/10 but guessed on Max Baer too. Dawn Wells had to be really young in that shot.
RIP to all my Hollywood favorites.
RIP to all my Hollywood favorites.
10/10; enjoyed the challenge but certain facial features helped me be able to recognize all of them.
Nine out of ten. Missed on the Dawn Wells question. I also thought that the one that was Max Baer, Jr., was Larry Pennell , who played Dash Riprock on Beverly Hillbillies.
I missed #10. I didn’t recognize him and I still didn’t after I saw the answer.