Can you name the TV show by the name of its Christmas episode?

The title alone should ring a (jingle) bell.

Christmas episodes are also some of the most memorable stories in a television series. They tend to have clever titles, too.

We bet these memorable Christmas episodes stick out in your mind. And if they don't, well, most of them contain character names and stylistic hints. In the spirit of the season, we're gifting you some hints, as well. For a while.

Good luck!
  1. "Bob Has to Have His Tonsils Out, So He Spends Christmas Eve in the Hospital" says it all.
  2. Art Carney guest stars in "The Night of the Meek."
  3. Someone has to work on Christmas Day in "Christmas and the Hard-Luck Kid II."
  4. A main character had nowhere to go in "Jennifer's Home for Christmas."
  5. A beloved TV mom sings in "The Voice of Christmas."
  6. A kids comes back to earth in "Return from Outer Space."
  7. A former Batman villain is the guest star in "The Deadly Toys."
  8. Someone has been mailing presents to "934 W. 124th Street, Apt. 5C."
  9. "The Alan Brady Show Presents" was a Christmas show inside a Christmas show.
  10. Orphans, surgery and smoked oysters all play a part in "Death Takes a Holiday."
  11. Speaking of orphans, this Western welcomed them in "P.S. Murry Christmas."
  12. It's a spin on Dickens in "Scrooge Gets an Oscar."
  13. Speaking of Scrooge, now it gets hard. No more clues: "The One with the Holiday Armadillo."
  14. "Jolly Old St. Dick"
  15. "A Full House for Christmas"

Can you name the TV show by the name of its Christmas episode?

Your Result...

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CaroleThorpe 50 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
Woo hoo! You were all over this like tinsel on a tannenbaum.
DouglasMorris 62 months ago
14/15! missed the last one, number 15 did me in.
Rickey 66 months ago
You got 12 out of 15
Woo hoo! You were all over this like tinsel on a tannenbaum.
Duc 74 months ago
BONUS: "Jingle Balls"
A. Everybody Loves Raymond
B. Will & Grace
C. Laverne & Shirley

Answer: Will & Grace
Geronimo Duc 74 months ago
You are so nasty!
Adamtwelvia Geronimo 2 months ago
So was that show.
EllisClevenger 74 months ago
You got 12 out of 15
Woo hoo! You were all over this like tinsel on a tannenbaum.
JeffTanner 74 months ago
You got 11 out of 15 --------------Woo-hoo! You were all over this like tinsel on a tannenbaum.
CarrieMcCourt 74 months ago
7/15 Missed two, #7 and #15
JeffTanner CarrieMcCourt 74 months ago
You missed 8, not 2, if you got 7 out of 15 correct.
CatMomWanda 74 months ago
12/15. A couple of those, I knew as soon as I hit the wrong one.
Joe 74 months ago
After this performance, I'm getting coal this year!
MrsPhilHarris 74 months ago
12/15 Missed The Jeffersons, Gunsmoke & Taxi.
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