Can you name the TV show by its food episodes?
Try not to take this one on an empty stomach.

Television is a smorgasbord. Today's menu includes chicken, ribs, pickles, apples, candy, bread, cookies, collard greens, pizza, oranges and duck. Is your mouth watering yet?
Below, we have selected choice episodes from a baker's dozen of classic TV shows. See if you can match the trio of appetizing titles to the correct show.
Keep a close eye out for character names and familiar patterns. Good luck — and grab a snack!
"Dough Re Mi," "Marcia Gets Creamed," "Two Petes in a Pod"
"The Pickle Story," "Dinner at Eight," "Aunt Bee's Restaurant"
"The Case of the Drowning Duck," "The Case of the Golden Oranges," "The Case of the Candy Queen"
"The Cookie Fund," "In the Soup," "Wally's Dinner Date"
"Veggie-Boyd," "The King of Beers," "Sunday Dinner"
"The Pizza Parlor," "How to Cook a German Goose by Radar," "Cuisine à la Stalag 13"
"The One with the Candy Hearts," "The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.," "The One With Phoebe's Cookies"
"The Apple," "Space Seed," "Bread and Circuses"
"The Big Chicken," "Corn Pone Picassos," "Collard Greens an' Fatback"
"Flounder's Day," "Mama Gets Goosed," "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?"
"Adam's Ribs," "Too Many Cooks," "Big Mac"
"Tequila," "Turkey in the Straw," "Hungry Like the Wolf"
"Cherry Red," "Chicken," "Honey Pot"

Can you name the TV show by its food episodes?
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