Can you name all these funky, groovy cars from the 1970s?

Let's see how well you know these AMCs, VWs and Chevys.


Say one thing about cars in the 1970s — they certainly looked more unique. From bubbly hatchbacks to boat-sized sedans, the decades offered a gas-guzzler for everyone. If you learned how to parallel park with a 1977 Oldsmobile, well, we tip our hat to you.

Even if you weren't driving one of these, you have probably come across them numerous times in movies and television. 

Think you can name these iconic automobiles of the Seventies? Put the pedal to the metal…

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  1. This iconic pickup hybrid from Chevy means "the road" in Spanish.
     Image: Chevrolet
  2. This Volkswagen shared a name with a classic horror movie.
     Image: Volkswagen
  3. This sporty Pontiac Trans Am had a name that fit the awesome avian image on the hood.
     Image: Pontiac
  4. Is this a Corvette or a Camaro?
     Image: Chevrolet
  5. What about this iconic little AMC hatchback?
     Image: AMC
  6. This Oldsmobile came in a "Supreme" edition, like a taco.
     Image: Oldsmobile
  7. This Chevy was named after a bright star in the sky.
     Image: Chevrolet
  8. What was the model of this Ford "Cruising Wagon"?
     Image: Ford
  9. Ricardo Montalbán touted the "fine Corinthian leather" in the interior of this Chrysler.
     Image: Chrysler
  10. This little AMC shared its name with a certain NBA player.
     Image: AMC
  11. It may be parked in front of an airplane hangar, but this Buick featured an iconic "boattail."
     Image: GM

Can you name all these funky, groovy cars from the 1970s?

Your Result...

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Fred_Clampett 2 months ago
9 of 11. Oddly, it was 9 and 11 I missed. Eleven was a guess. After I saw the answer for number 9, I suddenly remembered it. What I imagine confused me was all the parodies of the Ricardo Montalbàn spots. One I remember is "The Chrysler New Yorker! And it speaks to you like a true New Yorker! 'Are you gonna lock the doors or are you gonna hang a sign in the window sayin' Hey! Come rip me off!'"
ThomasPotter 18 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
They don't make 'em like they used to. You can find loads of cool 1970s cars in Adam-12 — like this one
I watch alot of the one hour 70s detective shows just to see the background cars. ( Rockford Files, Canon, Columbo, Mannix)
GTStang08 32 months ago
9/11...I remember the dayz my brother and I would stand in the front lawn of the apartment complex in Washington D.C. and would name most of these cars as they passed by. Memories.
JMike 36 months ago
#3 was a trick question. Not fair. I even owned a 1976 T/A.

JimmyMuraco 36 months ago
Back then, cars all had unique designs and their own identities. Today, all the cars look the same. Little hatchback eggs. I can't tell a Honda from an Acura, a Nissan from a Toyota, a Volvo from a Ford!
OzzieMederos 36 months ago
Second time around 11/11 first time 10/11 because i know that khan did the tv ad for the car I forgot which one
Snickers 40 months ago
8/11 not bad since I know nothing about cars.
DerekBird 44 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
They don't make 'em like they used to. You can find loads of cool 1970s cars in Adam-12 — like this one.
Alfetta159 DerekBird 6 months ago
It's also funny how all the cars are from one make or at least company (Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge) and then you would see a credit like, automobiles furnished by The Chrysler Corporation. #productplacement
WordsmithWorks 56 months ago
A Corvette or a Camaro? Please.
DerekBird WordsmithWorks 44 months ago
I know. We are not 20 somethings.
Alfetta159 WordsmithWorks 6 months ago
Watch more Rockford Files! Longest Chevy commercial ever.
JERRY6 56 months ago
CAN I NAME THEM ? sure i drove 70% of them , even a remlin and pinto
BigE 57 months ago
You got 11 out of 11 I two dogs of the bunch, a 1972 Vega and a 1974 Gremlin. Both were a pain in the patoot.
RickeyMulkey 61 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
They don't make 'em like they used to. You can find loads of cool 1970s cars in Adam-12 — like this one.
Craigg 61 months ago
You got 10 out of 11
They don't make 'em like they used to. You can find loads of cool 1970s cars in Adam-12 — like this one.
KellyShort 61 months ago
You got 11 out of 11 .............. I do like cars
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