Can you match these aunt and uncle characters to the right show?
Do you know Uncle Fester, Aunt Harriet and Uncle Leo?

While many family shows focused on a mother, a father and their children with great success, it was the extended relatives who usually brought extra quirkiness to any given episode. Whether they were just a guest star or part of the main cast, aunt and uncle characters were always good for a laugh or a story.
Here are some of our favorite TV aunts and uncles. Can you match each character to the right show?
What show is Uncle Fester from?
Aunt Bee is a beloved character on...
What classic sitcom featured Uncle Joe?
What is Aunt Harriet from?
Which '90s show is Uncle Jesse from?
Speaking of the 90s, Aunt Viv is from...
Do you know what show Uncle Charlie is from?
Image: The Everett Collection
Aunt Martha Corinne knew all the family history on...
Uncle Leo was always good for a laugh on...
What show is Aunt Esther from?
Tom Hanks played Uncle Ned on which 1980s sitcom?
Which show is Aunt Clara from?

Can you match these aunt and uncle characters to the right show?
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12/12, lucky guess on the Tom Hanks one, only watched a few episodes of Who’s the Boss, none of the others.
I felt too cocky about this one and missed the FIRST ONE rushing to answer, even tho I really KNEW IT
No 6 could have been made harder by using a photo of the ORIGINAL Aunt Viv from “Fresh Prince”
Similarly, No 7 by using the original Uncle Bub instead of Uncle Charlie on “My 3 Sons”
Correctly GUESSED No 8’s Aunt Martha Corinne on “The Waltons”
She looked so VERY familiar, I had to look her up on - Beulah Bondi
She played James Stewart's mother in 4 films, including “It's a Wonderful Life,” (one of my faves, along with "Harvey) and on his tv show (which I haven’t seen, but is pretty cool too)
I felt too cocky about this one and missed the FIRST ONE rushing to answer, even tho I really KNEW IT
No 6 could have been made harder by using a photo of the ORIGINAL Aunt Viv from “Fresh Prince”
Similarly, No 7 by using the original Uncle Bub instead of Uncle Charlie on “My 3 Sons”
Correctly GUESSED No 8’s Aunt Martha Corinne on “The Waltons”
She looked so VERY familiar, I had to look her up on - Beulah Bondi
She played James Stewart's mother in 4 films, including “It's a Wonderful Life,” (one of my faves, along with "Harvey) and on his tv show (which I haven’t seen, but is pretty cool too)