Can you guess who is the tallest on The Andy Griffith Show?

Folks in Mayberry come in all sizes.


The folks in Mayberry come in all types. There are short ones and tall ones. But who do you reckon is the taller feller in Mayberry? Heck, it just might not be a feller at all.

See if you can figure out which of the following characters from The Andy Griffith Show was the tallest. Keep guessing until you find the right one!

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  1. Which of these characters from The Andy Griffith Show is the tallest?

Can you guess who is the tallest on The Andy Griffith Show?

Your Result...

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AnnaRentzVandenhazel 27 months ago
I picked Gomer first, and got a helpful clue NOT to pick Andy, Gomer, or Goober again. So that left Howard as the only other person I remember being tall.
KarenGray 29 months ago
You picked the tallest character!
It was Howard Sprague! Jack Dodson was 6' 3" tall! You can see him towering over Andy here. You have a good eye!
TexasGreek 53 months ago
You picked the tallest character!
Tony 54 months ago
I think Jeff Pruitt could take him, though.
STTOS 57 months ago
You picked the tallest character! - It was Howard Sprague! Jack Dodson was 6' 3" tall! You can see him towering over Andy here. You have a good eye! When I saw the question I immediately thought of Howard. Once I saw the options the only other person I considered was Briscoe Darling. But I went with my original choice and was correct.
Geronimo 57 months ago
Got it on the first try👍It was very obvious 😉
ND500 57 months ago
Nailed it. Good question though. Howard was a goofball. In a good way of course
MrBill 57 months ago
I got this one right on my first guess. I am not a Howard Sprague fan but I remembered Jack Dodson being a rather tall man.
ETristanBooth 57 months ago
My first guess was correct. But then, I'm a Howard Sprague fan.
JeffTanner 57 months ago
It took me 4 tries, I picked Goober first, but that was wrong, then I tried Clara, wrong again, then tried Floyd strike number 3. Last but not least chose Howard, and was right.
DavidMichaelHugaert 57 months ago
It took me four tries, but I finally got it!!! :-O
Runeshaper 57 months ago
Took me 3 guesses, but I got it! LOL
Barry22 57 months ago
Got it right on the first try, although I did consider Goober because George Lindsay played college football.
R 57 months ago
Being I'm the same age as "Opie," watched the originals, and have watched the reruns to the point I can usually tell which episode it is within five seconds, it was pretty easy.
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