Can you guess the top-rated episodes of Kolchak: The Night Stalker according to IMDb?
Do you have opinions on which Kolchak: The Night Stalker episodes are the best? Let's see how those opinions match up to IMDb.

Image credit: The Everett Collection
Kolchak: The Night Stalker premiered in 1974 and only lasted one season, ending in 1975. The singular season had 20 episodes. Despite only being one season, the show made an impact on television.
Today we are checking in to see how well you know your Kolchak: The Night Stalker. IMDb is a popular go-to for all things TV and movie ratings. Do you know which episodes of Kolchak: The Night Stalker are rated the highest according to IMDb and do you agree with the ratings? No cheating!

Which of these two Kolchak: The Night Stalker episodes are rated higher on IMDb?
If you had to guess, which of these two episodes do you think has a higher rating on IMDb?
Which of these two episodes do you think has a higher rating?
Have you seen these two episodes of Kolchak: The Night Stalker? Which episode would you rate higher?
It's a showdown between two classic monsters! Which one of these do you think is getting a better rating on IMDb?
Two classic episodes, one higher rating. Take a guess on which episode is getting rated higher:
Which of these two Kolchak: The Night Stalker episodes is rated higher on IMDb?
Which of these two episodes do you think has a higher rating on IMDb? No cheating!
Two episodes to choose from, only one episode is getting rated higher on IMDb. Take a guess!
Which of these two Kolchak: The Night Stalker episodes is rated higher on IMDb?

Can you guess the top-rated episodes of Kolchak: The Night Stalker according to IMDb?
Your Result...
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6/10. I don't know if anyone else noticed similarities between "Mr. R.I.N.G" and the film "Blade Runner". A few names recur that I hardly think is coincidence.
7/10. Missed 6, 9 and 10. 😱
I adore Kolchak, a true believer. The line "They have been, they are and they will be..." would make Fox Mulder smile.
On a related note, I very much liked Mr. McGavin on his X-Files episodes.
I adore Kolchak, a true believer. The line "They have been, they are and they will be..." would make Fox Mulder smile.
On a related note, I very much liked Mr. McGavin on his X-Files episodes.
8/10 I would think that the episodes that aired the earliest during the series run would garner higher ratings
I chose not to take this quiz because a lot of these ratings seem arbitrary! It is worth noting that no episode ranks below 7.1, and I believe it is because with older series only the superfans respond and they are kinder than younger viewers who are more internet savvy! With that said, the highest rated episode is "Horror In The Heights" at 8.4, and the lowest is "They Have Been..." at 7.1!