Can you guess the top-rated episode of these classic sitcoms according to IMDb?
Which episodes of The Brady Bunch, Happy Days and Gilligan’s Island are fan favorites?
IMDb, the Internet Movie Database, harnesses the power of the web to amalgamate anything and everything you could possibly want to know about movies and TV shows.
IMDb also gives users the power to rate pieces of entertainment. That's what this quiz is all about. Can you guess which episode of these classic sitcoms was rated the highest on IMDb?
It's important to note that these have nothing to do with the original TV ratings. Some answers may surprise you, as favorite episodes have changed and evolved over the years. Good luck!
What's the top-rated episode of The Brady Bunch?
What's the top-rated episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show?
What's the top-rated episode of Gilligan’s Island?
What's the top-rated episode of The Andy Griffith Show?
What's the top-rated episode of The Honeymooners?
What's the top-rated episode of Happy Days?
What's the top-rated episode of M*A*S*H?
What's the top-rated episode of The Addams Family?
What's the top-rated episode of Green Acres?
What's the top-rated episode of Leave it to Beaver?
What's the top-rated episode of The Jetsons?
What's the top-rated episode of The Beverly Hillbillies?
Can you guess the top-rated episode of these classic sitcoms according to IMDb?
Your Result...
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4 of 12. This one was quite difficult, mainly because nobody would know this about all these shows. I tried to go by titles and what I thought would cause people to tune in. Didn't work obviously. Also, I thought that by top-rated, they meant had higher viewer ratings. I should have figured that out after I got the MASH question wrong.
Well since I post when I do well I might as well tell the truth I only got 2 right! I guess I don't agree with these people.
I loved LITB “In the Soup,” but “the Haircut” episode always puts me in stitches. And
I LOVED Larry Mondelo and Eddie Haskell!!!
I LOVED Larry Mondelo and Eddie Haskell!!!
How can ABBYSSINA HENRY be the # 1 rated episode of MASH? I thought THE MASH FINALE GOOD BYE, FAREWELL and AMEN was one of the highest rated broadcasts in the history of TV?
In the introduction, they aren't talking about ratings, they are talking public opinion 10, 20 or more years after the original broadcast.
Missed #7 & #12
Challenging, because I usually don’t pay attention to the episode titles much.
Missed #7 & #12
Challenging, because I usually don’t pay attention to the episode titles much.