Can you guess the first name of classic TV detectives?

Find out just how familiar you are with TV's coolest cops.

Many detective shows over the years have boasted the star's last name in its titles, but are you on a first name-basis with TV's coolest cops?

So, go on and get comfortable in your seat. We've got just a few questions we'd like you to answer below. Good luck!
  1. On 'Dragnet,' what's Detective Friday's first name?
  2. On 'Mannix,' what's Detective Mannix's first name?
  3. On 'Magnum, P.I.,' what's Magnum's first name?
  4. On 'Car 54, Where Are You?,' what's Officer Muldoon's first name?
  5. On 'The Rockford Files,' what's Detective Rockford's first name?
  6. On 'Baretta,' what's Detective Baretta's first name?
  7. On 'Hawaii Five-O,' what's Detective McGarrett's first name?
  8. On 'Kojak,' what's Lieutenant Kojak's first name?
  9. On 'McCloud,' what's Marshal McCloud's first name?
  10. On 'Cannon,' what's Detective Cannon's first name?

Can you guess the first name of classic TV detectives?

Your Result...

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DerekBird 40 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
We detect a winner!
rycki1138 40 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
We detect a winner! Muldoon's first name was Francis, not Frank. I don't ever remember even calling him Frank, always Francis.
AngelLoki 40 months ago
Love the old shows, they were the best. I could use some Emergency, lol
Runeshaper 64 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
We detect a winner!

Kojak was cool, but I was 50/50 on his name & got the wrong 1! LOL
ndebrabant 69 months ago

You got 10 out of 10
We detect a winner!
WILD 69 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
We detect a winner!
I never watched Car 54. So I had no idea what the answer was. I guessed wrong.
CaptainDunsel 72 months ago
10 of 10
Knew all but #4. Gunther Toody was Muldoon's partner's, so I picked the one that wasn't the actor's real name.
EllisClevenger 73 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
We detect a winner!
Missed #4.
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