Can you fill in the blank with the correct number to complete the TV title?

Prove you know classic TV by the numbers.

Can you be counted on to remember TV by the numbers?

Let's do some calculations and see about that. Below, fill in the blank with the correct number that completes the title of classic TV shows.

Only fans who remember TV shows down to the last number can score 100. Good luck!
  1. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Hawaii ___-O
  2. Fill in the blank with the correct number: __ __ Jump Street
  3. Fill in the blank with the correct number: __ __ Minutes
  4. Fill in the blank with the correct number: __ __ Sunset Strip
  5. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Adam-__ __
  6. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Rescue __ __ __
  7. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Colt .__ __
  8. Fill in the blank with the correct number: The __ __ __ Club
  9. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Route __ __
  10. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Surfside __
  11. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Coronado __
  12. Fill in the blank with the correct number: __ __ Men
  13. Fill in the blank with the correct number: __ __ Park Avenue
  14. Fill in the blank with the correct number: __ __ __-Robert
  15. Fill in the blank with the correct number: Galactica __ __ __ __

Can you fill in the blank with the correct number to complete the TV title?

Your Result...

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Terrence 28 months ago
A couple of incorrect guesses
DerekBird 39 months ago
You got 14 out of 15
Impressive! Your memory retains TV shows down to the last number.
RedSamRackham 39 months ago
* Missed 3. Shows I never even heard of! ♣
idkwut2use 39 months ago
You got 13 out of 15
Impressive! Your memory retains TV shows down to the last number.
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 11 out of 15
Impressive! Your memory retains TV shows down to the last number.
rycki1138 70 months ago
14 out of 15
Impressive! Your memory retains TV shows down to the last number.
ndebrabant 70 months ago

You got 15 out of 15
Impressive! Your memory retains TV shows down to the last number.
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