Can you ace this true or false quiz about the last episode of The Waltons?

How well do you know “The Revel”?


Over the course of nine seasons, The Waltons portrayed wholesome, family life during the Great Depression and World War II. The children went from playing in the woods to getting married and even having babies of their own.

The show came to a fitting end with the episode "The Revel." Here are ten statements about the memorable finale. Can you tell which ones are true and which ones aren’t?

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  1. The Waltons finale first aired in 1981.
  2. The finale is actually a two-part episode.
  3. The plot revolves around a party hosted by the Baldwin sisters.
  4. Another storyline follows John-Boy as he travels to New York.
  5. John-Boy is played by Richard Thomas.
  6. All seven Walton children appear in the episode.
  7. It is one of the few episodes without Earl Hamner’s narration.
  8. The episode ends with the Walton family moving away from Walton’s Mountain.
  9. The last word spoken in the episode is “Goodnight.”
  10. It was the last time the Walton family was seen on TV until the 1990s.

Can you ace this true or false quiz about the last episode of The Waltons?

Your Result...

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BenjaminMosesCookeIII 11 months ago
I got 7/10 correct. Not bad, not bad at all.
Tammy 40 months ago
You got 7 out of 10
One thing that's definitely true: Walton's Mountain will always feel like home.
CrowTServo 44 months ago
5/10. Seeing as how I never watched an episode, not too bad.
scp 44 months ago
Eight out of ten. Not too bad, given that I only vaguely remember it.
Cowgirl 45 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
One thing that's definitely true: Walton's Mountain will always feel like home.
I just watched it on Monday.
scott 45 months ago
I got 9/10, totally unaware that the final word in the last episode was “Goodnight.” So fitting! It is so strange to realize that I saw “The Homecoming: A Christmas Story” when I was in the first/second grade — and watched the very last episode when I was in 10th grade in Ohio!

As for Richard Thomas departing the show: he signed a five-year contract and John-boy graduated from The Walton Mountains School. Richard (remember, his character is based on Earl Hamner) knew he had to depart Waltons Mountain to truly become a writer in NYC. Just like Earl left Cincinnati for Los Angeles to write for TV — like The Twilight Zone. Richard departed and told the staff/crew/cast that he would return for guest spots. For no extra SAG fee. He did it because he wanted to.
TheDavBow3 45 months ago
I looked at this and thought, "what the hell, why not". I got 6 out of 10 with 9 guesses 😉
MaryAnn TheDavBow3 45 months ago
Same here! 😆
stephaniestavropoulos 45 months ago
The Answer Is: Sunday, November 8th, 2020.
The Question Is: When was the passing of Alex Trebek?
Condolences go out to his family and friends. R.I.P.
UTZAAKE 45 months ago
6/10. 2, 6, 8 and 9.
MaryAnn UTZAAKE 45 months ago
I missed 2, 5, 6, and 8.
45 months ago
Didn't see the last episode.
Jeremy 45 months ago
I only missed #4 and #10. Not bad for a guy who's never seen the episode, right? I just went with whatever made sense.
AllisonWunderland 45 months ago
Nope...I am not able to ace this quiz 😜
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Yeah, I was listening to SiriusXM 70's this morning and it came on 😂 I haven't heard it in decades. Thought you might get a kick out of it...I sure did 😉😎
MaryAnn AllisonWunderland 45 months ago
Good for you! 👏 I can only copy and paste if one of my daughters is home.
AllisonWunderland MaryAnn 45 months ago
Thank you 😉
AllisonWunderland MaryAnn 45 months ago
Well, unfortunately all 3 of my kids are grown and live out of town 😕 However, I'm still hoping Maggie might catch on and teach me something 😂😂
francolaguna1 45 months ago
Was unable to be a Waltons' fan - only because my brother and I had to watch EMERGENCY on another network 🚒
cseeley90 francolaguna1 45 months ago
Nothing wrong with that m. Emergency! is a great show.
Pacificsun 45 months ago
I wasn't paying attention to any of it in 1981.

But it sure did seem crazy that they would replace Richard Thomas.
MaryAnn Pacificsun 45 months ago
Yeah! I thought I had that question in the bag, but no!
ELEANOR 45 months ago
In my old office, we had the tradition of saying "Good night" the same way that the Waltons said Good Night. Also all of the men were called their name + Bob.
frenchman71 45 months ago
I was 8/10 and I think I've only seen one episode of the show. I didn't know Richard Thomas left the show before the last season. Anyone know why?
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dodgebob Pacificsun 45 months ago
Isn't the reason for persuing a career in the arts is to be presented with material and giving your interpretation of said material, allowing the money to either come or not based on that interpration. I don't think that they read a script and decide how it will make them more money and adjust their interpratation accodringly. How shallow would that be.
Pacificsun dodgebob 45 months ago
😉 Just for creative discussion here, no contentiousness intended!!

From a theater perspective, and regarding long runs, the Lead Actor is sometimes changed. But not very often, and not until the show moves off of Broadway. It isn’t about eyeing the money up front. Truly stage actors are interested in the content and challenge. Theater in fact is a huge gamble. But it is also a commitment to the ensemble team. After awhile actors play against each other like family. It becomes a very cohesive effort. And it causes the production to be refined and polished. So that every succeeding audience is treated to an always improving production. That why such long runs are so popular!!

Television is even more specialized. Much more intimate. The actors in these shows, particularly the shows built around family premises, are the people are invited into the viewer’s home every week! They become quite familiar, reassuring perhaps, and a steady force within that ensemble team. How would it be if Will Geer and Ellen Corby left for a part on Broadway. And the same opportunity could be said for John Waite and Michael Learned. All who had an abundance if talent and potential. All could have earned amazing compensation and billing. But (except for Learned) they hung around.

Now it could be said that these productions should have an end-of-life goal. Write the story arc from beginning to end. And at the time of conclusion then spin-off new versions but identify them as such. Otherwise I’m not a fan of the Team breaking up in parts, especially prematurely. Every fan of that show wanted to see how “John-Boy” turned out. But Richard Thomas made John-Boy, and the actor and role were tied together. The last episode (or season) isn’t exactly the best timing for throwing in a perfectly new actor.

Think of how this changing out of key people would’ve affected Gilligan’s Island or Perry Mason. It just isn’t fair to the creator/producer, particularly for shows that usually put these actors on the map in the first place. And allow them to do the things they really want to do!

frenchman71 Barry22 45 months ago
Did Donnie Most do anything after "Happy Days"? I can't remember him in anything.
DaiseK frenchman71 44 months ago
I recently saw him in a couple re-run episodes of Love Boat.
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