Are these floral prints from the '60s, '70s, '80s or '90s?

Pick flowers across the decades!


Almost more than any other print, florals strongly define each decade of fashion. If you're a fan of all these colorful tops, skirts, dresses, robes and pajamas that trendsetters have donned over time, muster your flower power to pass this quiz.

We've looked back over Wishbook Web's collection of vintage catalogs from the 1960s, '70s, '80s and '90s, pulling our favorite floral prints from each decade. It's up to you to pick the right decade for each floral print. Good luck!
  1. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  2. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  3. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  4. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  5. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  6. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  7. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  8. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  9. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  10. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  11. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  12. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  13. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  14. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  15. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:
  16. Pick the decade this floral print belongs in:

Are these floral prints from the '60s, '70s, '80s or '90s?

Your Result...

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JaneDough 63 months ago
i went more by the hairdo than the floral print!
AndrewHass 63 months ago
I was 6/16.
Geronimo AndrewHass 63 months ago
Like sands through the hourglass so are the Days I failed this quiz🤣
Barry22 63 months ago
15/16, don't look at the clothes, look at the hair.
MrsPhilHarris 63 months ago
8/17 Terrible, but I got the ones from the 80s.
Geronimo MrsPhilHarris 63 months ago
It was 16 questions🤤 no wonder you failed🤣
KatHat 63 months ago

You got 16 out of 16
You deserve to be showered with roses! You clearly know your florals.
I prefer Gingham
Geronimo KatHat 63 months ago
Stephen 63 months ago
You got 12 out of 16
When it comes to floral prints, these catalog models wonder if perhaps you love them not?

Guessed on all of them, I sure don't know my
Lantern 63 months ago
I guessed them mainly by the hairstyles.
teire 63 months ago
7/13 -- horrible. The hairstyles threw me in a lot of these photos and I ended up second guessing myself too often. Love floral prints and used to wear them a lot. Fun quiz.
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