Howard Morris was told he was ''too good'' for Mayberry
There's a reason Ernest T. Bass wasn't around as much as some other characters.

"It's me, it's me, it's Ernest T!"
Howard Morris is such a familiar name and Ernest T. Bass is such a familiar face in Mayberry. The Andy Griffith Show fans will have no problem recalling the eccentric hillbilly. It seems strange, then, to remember that he was only on five episodes of the show as Ernest T.
Why was such a fan favorite not brought on more often? Well, Howard Morris offered an explanation.
According to an interview given to Scripps Howard News Service in 2001, the choice wasn't Morris'. "After five episodes," Morris said, "(Producer) Sheldon Leonard said 'Howie, you're off the show.'"
Why would the producer of the show give Morris the boot? "'You did too good,'" Morris said, quoting Leonard. "'You overpower all the other characters.'"
Still, Morris counted Ernest T. Bass as one of his favorites. "I've always loved him. He's a wonderful guy. He's a mean little son of a (bleep), and that appeals to me. He gets away with all this stuff."
It can't be easy to be told you're out of a job, but maybe the reason being that you did too well takes a little sting out of it.

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Howard Morris was a great character actor, who had a way of stealing scenes, as was the case in his short but hilarious role in the Jerry Lewis classic, "The Nutty Professor." On TAGS we also saw him play a timid TV repairman in an episode, and many may not realize he was the voice of "Leonard Blush" the announcer on the radio. Morris also directed numerous TAGs episodes. "How do you do Mrs. Wiley" may be one of the great lines in TAGS history, right alongside "Good old 14A."