Danielle Brisebois said that Stephanie was based off of her childhood self

"She was a sad little kid when she started on the show."

Sony Pictures Television

A later addition to the cast of All in the Family, the addition of Danielle Brisebois to the show divided fans. Some viewers found her character, Stephanie Mills, unnecessary, while others believed she refreshed the series. Even if you weren't a fan of her initially, you had to learn to love Stephanie Mills after she became a mainstay on All in the Family, in addition to the show's follow-up series, Archie Bunker's Place. Stephanie was incredibly well-received by critics, with many praising her character. The role even earned Brisebois award nominations.

In Donna McCrohan's book, Archie and Edith and Mike and Gloria: The Tumultuous History of All in the Family, Brisebois discussed Stephanie, and the character's ability to bring out a new, softer side to the typically rigid Archie Bunker.

"I think she was one of the only people who was actually able to get to Archie, get him to soften up," she said. "I had him in the palm of my hand. I could make him do anything I wanted. Stephanie was really smart, really shrewd. But she didn't abuse her gift. She cared a lot about people, and all she really wanted was a happy life. The character was never really described to me. But that's how Carroll and I developed her together."

When Stephanie came into their lives, Archie and Edith were tasked with raising a child all over again, and while Stephanie was sweet, she could also be a handful. Well known for its brutal honesty, All in the Family portrays Stephanie how a real child would act, warts and all. This was no mistake.

Brisebois revealed that, at least in part, the character of Stephanie was developed off of Brisebois herself, as a child. "In the beginning, Stephanie may have been how I was, in a sense," she said. "For instance, I was from New York, and I spoke New Yorkese. In fact, before All in the Family, I took diction lessons to get rid of the accent. Then I had to get it back to play Stephanie. Also, they made her kind of bratty, and I was a little bratty at that age. And she was uncomfortable, living in a new place and not sure if Archie liked her. She was a sad little kid when she started on the show."

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Wiseguy70005 5 months ago
Odd that they used a character name the same as an already established singer. Charlie's Angels did it with Kelly Garrett as well.
BenSobeleone 6 months ago
I like the All in the Family episode: "The Bunkers Go West" Stephanie didn't want to go to California with Archie and Edith to spend Christmas with The Stivics. "You know that little door that goes to the attic? Well, that door must be kept locked, by day and by night!"
tootsieg 6 months ago
I thought the character added a lot to the show and I enjoy the episodes “Stephanie” is in. She did soften Archie up.
Bethois 6 months ago
I adored the character of Stephanie Mills, and the way she, Edith and Archie related to each other. The character was just so loving! I wish her character had a spin-off.
cperrynaples 6 months ago
Sorta off topic but I have a major beef with MeTV+! Yes, they do run a lot of series NOT on MeTV, but there's a lot of overlap! I also hate the fact that they skip many episodes of their classics! But here are 2 things I REALLY HATE: [1]For the Danny Thomas Show, they scrunch the closing credits! Come on, this is not H&I! [2] When they show a 2 part Remington Steele, they always, and I mean ALWAYS, show part 2 before part 1! Who's running the control room...Larry,Darryl or Darryl..LOL! MeTV+? More like MeTV- if you ask me!
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Jon cperrynaples 6 months ago
Yes, Carol Burnett's episodes are often shown w/ the credits in black alongside the original closing credits often slowed down or sped up to a ridiculous degree. I'm glad those are included now on the older clips. I've been bored w/ the old CAROL BURNETT & FRIENDS closing w/ the cartoon charwoman for years.
Rob cperrynaples 6 months ago
I don’t get MeTv plus. I wish that I did!
Wiseguy70005 Rob 5 months ago
Yeah, I get MeTV and MeTV Toons but not MeTV+.
Wiseguy70005 Jon 5 months ago
Yeah, ABC wanted to show the finale during the May ratings period but they got behind schedule and still has five leftover episodes (So How Was Weekend? (#251) Low Notes (#242) School Dazed (#244) Good News, Bad News (#252) and Fonzie's Spots (#241). The five episodes were broadcast between June 28 and Sept 24, 1984. The two-parter finale were numbers 254 and 255. Most of the time it's stupid to strictly show episodes in the network order. This is one of those cases.
WordsmithWorks 6 months ago
Another example of adding a kid to a show that is getting a little long in the tooth. Although, it worked this time.
Yeah, did they forget Cousin Oliver? And MeTV Tooners, don't even get me started on Scrappy Doo! Why do you think they made him a bad guy in the 2002 movie AND the second season of Velma?
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