Who sang these songs of autumn?

'Tis the season for sweaters and songs.


As the weather cools down, and the leaves begin to change, we've got a quiz to pair with your pumpkin spice latte. 

So put on a sweater and let's see how well you know the soundtrack of the season. Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below.

  1. "September"
  2. "Harvest Moon"
  3. "Wake Me Up When September Ends"
  4. "November Rain"
  5. "Leaves That Are Green"
  6. "Autumn Almanac"
  7. "September Morn"
  8. "The Boys of Fall"
  9. "Season of the Witch"
  10. "We're Going to be Friends"

Who sang these songs of autumn?

Your Result...

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TammyMeador 27 days ago
You got 7 out of 10
Well, maybe you're more of a "winter"😊🧡
GTStang08 2 months ago
Meh!...7/10...The very last one, "We're Going to be Friends", what does that have to do with the seasons? Even if the song pertained to a particular season, don't you think it would be fair to have the season in the song title as with all the rest? Good grief. That ruined it for me.
JD401 2 months ago
Ooooh, failed this one bad! Too many modern songs...
wrs44145 2 months ago
6/10; lots of guessing - never heard of a lot of these tunes.
8176Morgan 2 months ago
8/10 Not bad for a lot of guess work. I sure beat the odds on this one. My favorite autumn song is one called "Summer Is Over" by Frank Ifield. But it wasn't included on the list, unfortunately.
FestusFan2312 2 months ago
4/10. All guesses except for September Morn
FLETCH 2 months ago
9 out of 10. woo hoo! One guess and just missed the last one
DeannaT 2 months ago
👎 6 our of 10 "Maybe I'm more of a winter" I didn't know the last 5 6 7 8. Boooo!
Beatseeker 2 months ago
autum by dan hartman off of they only come out at night...
frenchman71 2 months ago
And there are some songs that peaked in the fall that take me back to that season.
"Jazzman" - Carole King
"Out in the Country" - Three Dog Night
"Maggie May" - Rod Stewart
"We're an American Band" - Grand Funk
frenchman71 2 months ago
9/10. Some of my answers were guesses. But autumn is my favorite season. But it also portends the onslaught of winter.
sjbang88 2 months ago
5/10 I was only familiar with 2 of the 10 songs.
8176Morgan sjbang88 2 months ago
Same here. But I got real lucky and ended up with 8 out of 10. Sometimes it happens that way.
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