Who are these characters and celebrities with Captain Kangaroo?

The Captain was friends with everyone from puppets to sitcom stars.


Image: The Everett Collection

Captain Kangaroo was a part of children's lives for three decades. Bob Keeshan, who had previously played Clarabell the Clown on The Howdy Doody Show, hosted Captain Kangaroo and portrayed the title character from 1955 to 1984. The name "Captain Kangaroo" referred to the big pockets on his coat.

Over that time, Captain Kangaroo welcomed many friends and guest stars to his program, from puppets to comedians.

Let's see if you can recognize some regulars and visitors.

Love Captain Kangaroo? Check out a Captain Kangaroo collectible and signature on the next episode of Collector's Call, "Meet Fred," Sunday, February 16, at 9:30PM | 8:30C.

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  1. Let's start with characters from the show. What was the name of this longtime pal of Captain Kangaroo, played by Hugh "Lumpy" Brannum?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  2. What was the name of this beloved puppet?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  3. John Burstein played this character who helped kids learn about the human body.
     Image: The Everett Collection
  4. Now let's get to some guest stars. Who is this friend?
  5. This "cowboy" is best known as which sitcom character?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  6. These two played sitcom characters working in a brewery and living in which city?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  7. Who is this with the Captain?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  8. Do you recognize this famous figure?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  9. This New York Knicks legend was nicknamed "Clyde."
     Image: The Everett Collection
  10. Captain Kangaroo made guest appearances on other shows, too. Which sitcom is he on here?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  11. Who is sandwiched between two Captains?
     Image: AP Photo
  12. Finally, these two are best known for playing which sitcom characters?
     Image: AP Photo

Who are these characters and celebrities with Captain Kangaroo?

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Snickers 39 months ago
11/12. Release the ping pong balls Mr. Moose.
KevinMonaghan 43 months ago
missed 1 Who knows why he was pulled off the air? Hint it was something he said on a friday
morning !!
"Many wonder why Captain Kangaroo was canceled even though it had overwhelming support for more than 25 years. It turns out it all came down to a single time slot change. Peter Birch, who directed the show for 25 extremely successful years, suffered a massive heart attack in 1980 that ended up being fatal. Shortly thereafter, CBS decided to switch the show to a time slot at 6:30 AM. Which wasn’t that big of a deal for children because they would wake up to tune in. However, it was their parents that also woke up and wanted to watch either Good Morning America on ABC, or the Today Show on NBC, which aired at the same time. It proved to be too much for the show to compete with and eventually Keeshan had to admit defeat and the show was taken off air in 1993." - historygarage.com
WitchyWoman1 52 months ago
My Mom said I called him Capt. Kangaroo-roo. I would watch him every day until I started Kindergarten. By then my siblings had the habit! Where are the gentle learning venues for kids today?
Greg 56 months ago
12/12 watched the Capt every morning as a kid good memories
WordsmithWorks 56 months ago
Missed Slim Goodbody. Never was a big fan but knew more that I thought.
ETristanBooth 56 months ago
11/12. I don't follow basketball (although I did see the Harlem Globetrotters once).
So you've never heard of Walt Frazier, either. WHO HAS, other than NYCers.
TheDavBow3 58 months ago
Missed Slim Goodbody. A Spiro Agnew choice for Cronkite. Funny and clever. Wrong choice for Tricky Dickie too. For some reason, I need to go smoke cigarettes and watch Captain Kang - Kangaroo! And I don't even smoke!
EllisClevenger TheDavBow3 55 months ago
Now, don't tell me.
I've nothing, to do.
TheDavBow3 EllisClevenger 55 months ago
R.I.P Harold Reid
AllN4JesUS 59 months ago
Got 'em all! ...But where were Bunny Rabbit, Grandfather Clock and my fav - Dancing Bear?
4glassmaster 59 months ago
Good memories...
yes ive. have fond memorys of theCAPTAIN.
Carolynfmr 59 months ago
11/12 I missed Walt Frazier :(
Snickers Carolynfmr 39 months ago
Don't feel bad that's the one I missed.
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