What is the spookiest movie of the '60s?

A great decade for horror!


Nothing is scarier than the stuff we saw young.

While it might not be your decade, we can all agree that the '60s packed some seriously spooky stuff! While we all might have our favorites, we hope you can pick one that stands out as THE scariest! 

Or, maybe the one that scares you the most isn't listed! If that's the case, just select "other," and let us know what it is in the comments section below! 

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  1. What's the decade's spookiest movie?

What is the spookiest movie of the '60s?

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Charleshorse 3 months ago
I knew #1 would be Psycho. The Innocents got 0 maybe because it's English and not many people are familiar with it BUT, imo, it IS really good.
sierra127 3 months ago
NIght of the living dead.....by far
toddo sierra127 3 months ago
I agree Sierra! Psycho isn't spooky, it's thrilling and intriguing. Night is BY FAR spooky, creepy, and gruesome!
ww245 3 months ago
dmirarh ww245 3 months ago
100%, Nice... how have you been? Feeling stronger every day I hope. Halloween was good on this end and now gearing up for Turkey Day. Is ww245 spending time with family over the holidays?
ww245 dmirarh 3 months ago
Hi dmirarh! Doing ok thanx. About the only weekness I'm having is I'm worried I'm forgetting things these days.....sigh...that and getting lazy in my old age lol. I need some "giddy up" back. Not sure about Thanksgiving. Possibly with my brother and his girlfriend. Nice folks to be around. Right now I'm debating going to the movies to see "White Christmas". LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie! What will you be up to?
dmirarh ww245 3 months ago
Hello, yes the forgetting... I know it well LoL. Some of that is part of the natural ageing process (I hope it's nothing more than that for you). I'll walk from one room to another and forget what I was going after, darn. Lazy in your "old age"??? Of course I don't know your age but I can truly say by your pic you like you've got many good years still to come, lets get that giddy back in the giddy up, come on now girl (LoL). Thanksgiving will be eating with the family and some friends, counting my blessings. Now tell me what theater is showing White Christmas? Good movie but not what you would call current. God bless you ww245.
ww245 dmirarh 2 months ago
You are too kind my friend. I'm older than you may think lol. Let's put it this way, I watched the parade when Kennedy was assassinated on live TV. I was young, but I recall it. I also got to see Tora Tora Tora at a drive in with my folks and.....well....I have been able to retire for a few months now but don't plan to quit just yet. Thank you though and may God bless you and your family. I just bought the movie myself on DVD, but it's showing here at Cinnemark theaters next month. It's something they do once in a while with older movies. I'd LOVE to see Tora Tora Tora and Midway in the theaters. I can only imagine. Yea, I do love WWII flicks. I'm one of those weird kinda gals like that lol.
dmirarh ww245 2 months ago
Hello, I agree with with you. The older movies on the big screen are great. I enjoy the older WWII TV comedy's as well. We must be about the same age my friend, I just retired this past September (still working two days a week). You're just one of those "weird gals" that seems like you would be a lot of fun to hang with and engage in conversion. 3 days until Turkey....
ww245 dmirarh 2 months ago
Hi! Very kewel that we think alike about the movies. I get a kick out of those WWII comedies like Father Goose and Operation Petticoat to name a couple. Hey! Congrats on retiring. I hope to get there one of these days. Told ya we were about the same age lol. Yea, I am one of those "weird gals" alright. Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. Mine was rather calm. I could hear myself think for a change and watching Miracle on 34th St. sure made it a great day!
Wendy57 3 months ago
When you see his “mother” from the back rocking in the rocking chair ! 🫣
Wenatchee7 3 months ago
20% The Birds. That movie inspired the Turkeys from WKRP to mount a counter attack at Mr Carlson.
RobertK 3 months ago
0% similar ("I Got A Rock")… I chose 13 Ghosts. That movie really creeped me out when I was a kid! Also, I really don't like gory or slasher films. I know Psycho is a classic Hitchcock film, but I'd rather be spooked than traumatized, so I voted for the ghosts.👻👍🏼
Charleshorse RobertK 3 months ago
" I'd rather be spooked than traumatized. " LOL. I love it!
ironman2000 3 months ago
100% similar. Now are you finish with your shower.
JohninND 3 months ago
Rosemary's Baby is for me. Seems a prelude to the status quo...
frenchman71 JohninND 3 months ago
I picked Rosemary, too. There was one they should have also listed..."Two On a Guillotine" with Ceasar Romero. That was pretty scary.
tootsieg 3 months ago
100%. Very good list. So many truly scary movies.
Carnival of Souls, Night Of the Living Dead, The Birds, Village of the Damned.
RobertK tootsieg 3 months ago
Oh, I forgot about 'Carnival of Souls'. Another creepy film... Now, I'll have to find a copy and add it to the Halloween repertoire!
FLETCH 3 months ago
I went with Psycho but Carnival of Souls is a great film that I recommend. It's a small movie that was made on a tiny budget but is great fun.
bmoore4026 3 months ago
70% similar. Night of the Living Dead.
JayBurd 3 months ago
17% I guess the shock of psycho has worn off so I picked NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.
Lots of good choices to choose from.
frances3agape 3 months ago
WOW - what a variety!
Would like faceoff rounds to truly get to the most popular
frances3agape 3 months ago
Toss up between Psycho & Carnival of Souls
Both still creep me out
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