This quiz will reveal which terrifying monster you are inside

Watch out!

 Everett Collection

Monsters often get a bad rep, but boy do we love watching them in our movies. However, we're under the firm belief that inside of everyone is a secret monster, and that's not actually a bad thing! So, answer these questions as honestly as possible, and we'll tell you which monster you truly are!

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  1. How do you feel about monsters?
  2. If you could live anywhere, where would you go?
  3. Would people say you're easy to get along with?
  4. What's the one thing your life is missing right now?
  5. How far would you go to get what you want?
  6. What do you do in your spare time?
  7. Do you like being scared?
  8. If you were given superpowers for a single day, how would you spend it?
  9. How willing are you to compromise?
  10. You find a pile of buried treasure on the beach while hanging out with your friends. What do you do?

This quiz will reveal which terrifying monster you are inside

Your Result...

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MikefromJersey 5 days ago
I'm Gossamer from the Bugs Bunny cartoon. If I get to wear his cool white sneakers, I'm in.
Of course he does run around sans clothing, but as long as he doesn't have a racing stripe
round the back, what the heck.
John111911Smith 10 days ago
I’m The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
That’s odd, considering I’m not a very good swimmer…😂
bsantaniello 11 days ago
Godzilla. Questions made no sense on how the result was.
Poolboy13 15 days ago
You got Creature from the Black Lagoon how do i feel about monsters?
Moverfan 15 days ago
I'm the Creature From The Black Lagoon...?
Well, gee, thanks...
ww245 16 days ago
I figured I'd be Creature for Black Lagoon......duh!
RicardoShillyShally 16 days ago
I'm the Gillman. Green's always been my favorite color.
bukhrn 16 days ago
Godzilla, I had to answer #4, even though they were NA, I have plenty of Food, a few good friends, and My wife says she loves me. (I have to take her word for it ). 😉
George58 17 days ago
I got The Creature From The Black Lagoon. I guess that means I also have a crush on Julie Adams.
AgingDisgracefully 17 days ago
Glad my inner beast wasn't funnyman Tim Allen.
kevopilis 17 days ago
Count Orlock. I could see things weren't going as well as they might have. Rejoice people!
I have no power or authority. Too bad.
Could have been worse, you might have been Count Chocula.
Ajax 17 days ago
Creature from the Black Lagoon
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