Test your prehistoric knowledge with this dinosaur movie quiz!

Grab your claws and tear into this quiz!

 American International Pictures, Universal Pictures, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 20th Century Studios

Whether they're big lizards or lab-engineered freaks, dinosaurs can instantly make a good movie great. In this quiz, we're testing your trivia knowledge about iconic films, involving and starring dinosaurs!

  1. In the film Jurassic Park (1993), what dinosaur's claw does Alan Grant carry with him?
  2. In the film's sequel, The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997), Ian Malcom visits which of InGen's islands?
  3. What kind of dinosaur do they call Littlefoot in the film The Land Before Time (1988)?
  4. What is the name of the island visited in the film The Land That Time Forgot (1974)?
  5. In the film Dinosaur (2000), Aladar, an Iguanodon, is raised alongside which animals?
  6. What is the name of the new engineered dinosaur created in the film Jurassic World (2015)?
  7. In We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993), what is the name of Captain Neweyes' brother who wants to steal the dinosaurs and force them to perform in his evil circus?
  8. Which comedic actor stars in the film Land of the Lost (2009)?
  9. Which author wrote the book that The Lost World (1960) is based off of?
  10. The film The Good Dinosaur (2015) takes place in a universe where what event has not occured?

Test your prehistoric knowledge with this dinosaur movie quiz!

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texasluva 7 months ago
She is most likely at one of the two hospitals in the Dewey area. The problems she is stating needs to be taken care of. Hopefully they can help her.
KJExpress 7 months ago
Hi Tex. Have you heard anything further from AWL? I was just wondering how she was doing. 🤔
texasluva 7 months ago
I have not heard a thing yet as to her health or situation. I assume she must have went to one of the two hospitals nearby Dewey. If she were to have gone to ER someone would also have to take care of her pets.
KJExpress 7 months ago
I guess I can try to reach out to her. I hope she's doing better. 🤞
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MrsPhilHarris 8 months ago
Great music and great trailers. The Enforcer looks interesting. I don’t recall it. 🤔 I haven’t seen Marathon Man for years but still remember the tooth drilling scene. 💉Yikes!
texasluva 8 months ago
Not good when one diabolical person is torturing you 😬
texasluva 8 months ago
Also doing another Andy Hardy film tonight from 1940.
MrsPhilHarris 8 months ago
Oh fun! I get a kick out of them.
jd4862 8 months ago
9/10 Had to guess on the animated kids movies, never watched them.
Zip 8 months ago
Missed the island one, #2. If it's not Giliigan's Island, I don't know, or care, where it is.
Gossemer 8 months ago
9/10. Missed #7. Guess ill just have a bronto burger and relax a while. All these dino questions have made me Rexless.
ironman2000 8 months ago
4 of 10, my favorite dinosaur was Dino.
Zip ironman2000 8 months ago
He was my favorite vitamin.
FLETCH 8 months ago
5 out of 10... all guesses. Never got into the Jurassic Park movies
ElizabethBoop 8 months ago
In the original Jurassic Park, Richard Attenborough pretends to interact with his own filmed image (even going so far as to feign drawing a blood sample from a finger-stick from himself). This is an allusion to what dinosaur-related animated film from the year 1914?
Big3Fan 8 months ago
Only four correct guesses from this dinosaur.
RobertK 8 months ago
3 of 10. All guesses. You'd think a "fossil" like me would have seen the films, but I never saw any of them!
Tresix 8 months ago
9/10. Very good considering that I think I’ve only seen two of these movies (“The Lost World” (1960) and “Jurassic Park”).
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