Pick a possum and we'll guess your favorite classic TV character

In nature, the possum and the couch potato share a lot in common.

Out in the wild, the opossum and the couch potato have more in common than you might think. Both prefer to be solitary creatures, sticking to one place as long as there's plenty to snack on in the vicinity.

As you watch your TV set, the range of expressions that pass over your face almost create a TV show in itself, which again is much like the misunderstood marsupial whose many expressions lead the possum to often become the subject of memes today.

So that brings us to the nature of this quiz. We'd like you to have a little fun with us and channel your inner possum personality to see if we can divine your favorite TV character by the possum you pick that puts a smile on your face. 

Did our possum detector get yours right?
  1. Pick out any possum that speaks to you:

Pick a possum and we'll guess your favorite classic TV character

Your Result...

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Snickers 40 months ago
I got Alf. Which is O.K since I liked that show.
kimmer 56 months ago
I'm a Beaver Cleaver....thats true I'm always asking..."Why"
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got Gilligan - I got Gilligan, from a possum...NICE! lol
RedSamRackham 70 months ago
You want to get a posstum out from under a rock you jab him with a stick! ☺
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