Part four: Pick a favorite band for every letter!

You won't believe how many bands don't start with "X!"


Here it is, the epic conclusion!

We want to know your favorite band from each letter of the alphabet. It'll be tricky when we get down there to 'X,' and 'Z,' and the like, but that's your problem now!! Pick a band from each letter, and if your favorite isn't there, just lick "Other." You are then legally obligated (not really) to respond in the comments with your actual choice. 

We've omitted every "the," and every solo artist, so don't expect to see either one here!

Good luck, have fun, and share any feelings in the comments section below!

  1. Pick a band that starts with "U"
  2. Pick a band that starts with "V"
  3. Pick a band that starts with "W"
  4. Pick a band that starts with "X"
  5. Pick a band that starts with "Y"
  6. Pick a band that starts with "Z"

Part four: Pick a favorite band for every letter!

Your Result...

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AllisonWunderland 10 months ago
100% 🥳 Wow!
U2, VH, Who, other, Yes, ZZ
grandpa5741 10 months ago
95% similar and let add that U2 at The Sphere in Vegas is “Un” Real, go see them. 🎸👍💋
Stoney 10 months ago
76 similar. U2, Van Halen, Whitespace, Other (seriously, drew a blank on the Xs), Yes, and ZZ Top
AllisonWunderland Stoney 10 months ago
Whitesnake 🤭
Bricat2001 10 months ago
V: a tie between van halen and vince guaraldi trio
W: a tie between the who and whitesnake
X: i picked other because i have no idea who those bands are
Y: yardbirds
Z: zac brown band
grandpa5741 Bricat2001 10 months ago
Agree on Yardbirds my man
Bapa1 10 months ago
88%. Nice to see Uriah Heep mentioned, but I picked U2. Y was tough, there are three bands that I really like, but I picked Yes. Sorry Yardbirds and Young Rascals.
Snickers 10 months ago
88% similar. Big fan of Van Halen and ZZ Top.
Wenatchee7 10 months ago
48% stick to TV quizzes please. Thank you for at least acknowledging UFO.
KawiVulc 10 months ago
ZZ Top... really only liked Eliminator... picked Zombies for that one. Saw Zac Brown at a local fire company show back when Chicken Fried was getting a lot of plays... the rest of the show pretty much sucked.
frenchman71 10 months ago
I picked ZZ Top for "Z" and not because they begin with "Z". ZZTop is a great band with a lotta hits. My favorites by them..."Pearl Necklace, Sharp-Dressed Man & Legs"
Snickers frenchman71 10 months ago
My favorites as well.
DocForbin 10 months ago
For Z I chose that great Long Island band (by way of New Orleans) Zebra.
JayBurd 10 months ago
81% similar......The Velvet Underground!
Love Lou Reed.....I bought Transformer on cassette when it came out and sent it to by buddy in the Philippines. He was the only Marine on the islands to have it.
Bapa1 JayBurd 10 months ago
Velvet Underground was good.
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