Name that Kermit song!

Be careful, this quiz is a major Kermit-ment.

 Everett Collection

It's time for a quiz about everyone's favorite amphibian: Kermit! In this quiz, we'll give you lyrics sung by Kermit the FRog, and you've got to tell us what song he's performing! Good luck!

  1. "Who said that every wish would be heard and answered when wished on the morning star?"
  2. "People tend to pass you over 'cause you're not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water or stars in the sky."
  3. "I see that face coming back to me like an old familiar song."
  4. "Sometimes even frogs have rainy days."
  5. "Now I know that life can take you by surprise and sweep you off your feet."
  6. "Alligators with their teeth so bright smile and sway there."
  7. "Straighten my tie. Just drench me in rich cologne and don't ask me why."
  8. "Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it. Together we'll nab it."
  9. "You work through the mirror. You're getting standing ovations!"
  10. "I just can't imagine that you've ever been gone! It's not starting over, it's just going on!"

Name that Kermit song!

Your Result...

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Katzi 4 months ago
10/10 YAAAAYYYY!! \\\O///// Happy Kermit Arm Flail \\\O/////
italianrose74 4 months ago
8 out of 10. The lyrics of Paul Williams.
BenSobeleone 4 months ago
I thought Yoda was a Muppet. He's not. Jim Henson was only a consultant on the building of Yoda.
ClassicTVRocks 5 months ago
7/10 I can not tell a lie, I guessed on every one of those questions cuz I'm Really not a big Kermit fan, he's Alright 😊😊😊
Coldnorth ClassicTVRocks 4 months ago
I think most people give questions a good guess. The fun is guessing right
CortneyNicole 5 months ago
6/10 Kermit is a good Muppet character but I didn't know all of his songs.

Infact your absolutely right, Maybe I'm not muppet-y enough to remorize all of it, not one clue.
AllisonWunderland 5 months ago
7/10…Honestly, I had no earthly idea on any of them
geatornez82 5 months ago
10/10. Waaaaayyyyyy too easy for me.
Wendy57 5 months ago
Not a big fan of Sesame Street, except for the Count doing The Batty Bat. 🦇
BenSobeleone Wendy57 4 months ago
Didn't watch Sesame Street when I was a kid. Too old for that show then. Did watch The Electric Company though.
Wendy57 BenSobeleone 4 months ago
Yes, I was too old too.
cperrynaples 5 months ago
Fun Fact: Kermit was on The Masked Singer! And would you believe Sinatra covered "It's Not Easy Being Green"?
gockionni 5 months ago
Goodness, I’m just not muppet-y enough 😞
FestusFan2312 5 months ago
10/10. I’m a huge muppets fan. If you forget for a moment what you see and think about the fact that there are real musicians, real band members, and real voices behind the scenes than you start to realize that this is some of the best music in the world.
MrsPhilHarris 5 months ago
5/10 Theonly song I know is Rainbow Connection.
Peter_Falk_Fan 5 months ago
7/10 I guessed on half of these songs.
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