How well do you really know the leading men of 1950s TV?

Break down the biggest names in black & white.

The 1950s gave us Lucy and Desi, Perry Mason, the Lone Ranger, the whole Cleaver family (and, yes, Eddie Haskell too), and so much more. It was the beginning of every big show that has since become canon, inspiring everything that came after, as well as plenty of reboots to boot.

But today, we're focusing on just the guys to see if you can match some of the decade's leading men with the classic series they belong on. 

Only those truly fascinated with the Fifties can score 8/10. Good luck!
  1. ROD SERLING was the host of:
  2. RAYMOND BURR was the star of:
  3. WARD BOND was the star of:
  4. JACK WEBB was the star of:
  5. HUGH BEAUMONT played the dad on:
  6. WILLIAM FRAWLEY played the neighbor on:
  7. CLINT EASTWOOD starred in:
  8. KEN CURTIS played the deputy on:
  9. BOB DENVER played the best friend on:
  10. JIM BACKUS played the husband in:

How well do you really know the leading men of 1950s TV?

Your Result...

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Snickers 31 months ago
10/10. Really good since I wasn't born until 1957.
RedSamRackham Snickers 26 months ago
* Born in 1949 & also scored perfect 10 of 10!
ndebrabant 34 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Your memory's a steel trap for all things Fifties!
WILD 42 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Your memory's a steel trap for all things Fifties!

I hate that show Beaver. What an idiotic name.
rycki1138 42 months ago
10 out of 10
Your memory's a steel trap for all things Fifties!
LeeHarper 66 months ago
LeeHarper 66 months ago
ndebrabant 66 months ago

You got 10 out of 10
Your memory's a steel trap for all things Fifties!
Runeshaper 66 months ago
8/10 - Your memory's a steel trap for all things Fifties!
tom78 72 months ago
10/10...............................easy one!
rycki1138 72 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Your memory's a steel trap for all things Fifties! Agree with what a lot of the other posters say about Ken Curtis. He did do a couple of guest starring appearances on Gunsmoke in 1959, but he wasn't Festus until mid 60s.
Geronimo 72 months ago
Too easy, gimme something harder.................10/10
JeanInTN 72 months ago
Question number 8 is in error. This is supposed to be the 1950s, and Ken Curtis didn't become Deputy Festus Hagan until 1964 (I found the date on Wikipedia). Dennis Weaver played Deputy Chester Goode in the 1950s.
Geronimo JeanInTN 72 months ago
You're correct, but he did star in Gunsmoke which is all that matters
cperrynaples Geronimo 72 months ago
No, this is NOT a Gunsmoke quiz, this is a '50's TV quiz and the fact remains that the only deputy on that show in that decade was Chester, NOT Festus. Could someone else back me up?
betabit JeanInTN 42 months ago
Everyone that got a 10 out of 10, gets a 9 out of 9. Me TV gets a 9 out of 10.
thedude1500 72 months ago
10/10 and I wasn't even alive until the next decade
Joseph thedude1500 72 months ago
Same here. 10/10, born in '61.
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