How well do you know Willie Nelson?

It's a quiz about Shotgun Willie!

 The Everett Collection

As one of country music's most enduring figures, Willie Nelson has left an indelible mark on the genre. With his distinctive voice, songwriting prowess, and rebel spirit, Nelson has influenced and entertained for what feels like forever.

So, grab your cowboy hat and get ready to see how much you know about this true American icon!

  1. It feels like Willie's been an old man forever. When was he born?
  2. Willie was a member of which famous country music group in the 1980s?
  3. Nelson has appeared at every iteration of this festival, which he helped organize...
  4. Willie Nelson starred in all the following movies EXCEPT....
  5. Willie Nelson is well-known for wearing which iconic accessory...
  6. Willie has been a vocal advocate for which cause throughout his career?
  7. In which year did Willie Nelson release his critically acclaimed album "Red Headed Stranger"?
  8. What's the name of Willie Nelson's first autobiography, released in 1988?
  9. Willie's son is the frontman of one-time Neil Young-backing band Promise of the Real. Which son?
  10. Willie Nelson wrote "On the Road Again" on a...

How well do you know Willie Nelson?

Your Result...

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IndianaRockz 2 months ago
Love me some Willie & Waylon outlaw music, did have to guess on a couple. Would love to order a Willie t-shirt.
Now he is the last remaining Highwayman.
Bullitt2019 5 months ago
Willie was also in a really good episode of Miami Vice. He played a retired Texas Ranger.
Coldnorth 5 months ago
Terrible score. Won’t even say what it was. Beer for my horses is the only song I like.
IndianaRockz Coldnorth 2 months ago
Love that song!
tinkparker 5 months ago
7/10 I'm more of a Johnny cash fan
KJExpress 5 months ago
I was hoping for that elusive 0/10, but I ended up with four correct guesses.
Bapa1 5 months ago
10/10, but did have to guess. Big fan of his. Have a bunch of his stuff and have read his auto-biography.
MaryAnn 5 months ago
I got 7/10, but they gave me a big ol’ thumbs down. 😕
paulbryars 5 months ago
5/10. Thought I knew ole Willie better than that.
MikefromJersey 5 months ago
"You got 5 out of 10.
The good news is: Willie's got a few autobiographies you can check out!"

Anything he did with Waylon I really enjoyed.
RIP Mister Jennings.
gockionni MikefromJersey 5 months ago
My dad did some work for Waylon back in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s. Waylon used to sing at a club in Tempe AZ called JD’s, he also played at a lounge in Phoenix called Mr. Lucky’s. And my husband and I danced to “Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys” at our wedding lol
Moverfan gockionni 5 months ago
When my sister got married, she and our dad did the father-daughter dance to On The Road Again--sort of a two-person line dance. Pretty damn good, too, when you consider she got married in February and Dad turned seventy that September...!
Buzzyleonard 5 months ago
Should have been able to guess better than that.
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