Did the professor invent these things on Gilligan's Island?
He could make anything! Well, except a working boat.

Warner Brothers
Ah yes, the professor: the man who famously could create just about anything out of coconuts, palm fronds, and sea shells — but couldn't seem to fix the hole in the boat.
During the castaways' stay on the island, the professor came up with dozens of inventions to make their lives easier (or to serve as a convenient plot device for that week's adventure.) Can you remember if he actually made these gadgets, gizmos, and appliances?

Geiger counter
X-ray machine
High G Centrifuge
Popcorn machine
Ferris wheel
Lie detector
Hot air balloon

Did the professor invent these things on Gilligan's Island?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.

Gilligans Island - Professor

Gilligans Island - Drinks

Gilligans Island - SS Minnow

Gilligans Island - SS Minnow

Gilligans Island - SS Minnow

Gilligans Island - Professor

Gilligans Island - Professor

Gilligans Island - Drinks

Gilligans Island - SS Minnow

Gilligans Island - Drinks

I really don't remember him making a high G centrifuge. Was it when Gilligan was training to use the jet pack?
I really don't remember him making a high G centrifuge. Was it when Gilligan was training to use the jet pack?
#6 - for us male posters - can you imagine a Jacuzzi with Mary Ann and Ginger....YIKES!
who cares about getting off the island? :)
who cares about getting off the island? :)
"Hey little buddy, you got 8 out of 10. Look at you, flying high with that quiz score!"
Not to sound like some pedantic "I know better" type but the quiz title shouldn't be
"Did the professor invent these things on Gilligan's Island?" as that confused things.
He didn't invent any of them. Rather it's a question of did he fashion a island version
of them with the material at hand, which is fun to see, like the car that Gilligan drove
that was a version of Fred Flintstone's Cavemobile.
I think it was called a Cavemobile, at least that's what someone posted on these boards
a long time ago.
Not to sound like some pedantic "I know better" type but the quiz title shouldn't be
"Did the professor invent these things on Gilligan's Island?" as that confused things.
He didn't invent any of them. Rather it's a question of did he fashion a island version
of them with the material at hand, which is fun to see, like the car that Gilligan drove
that was a version of Fred Flintstone's Cavemobile.
I think it was called a Cavemobile, at least that's what someone posted on these boards
a long time ago.
9 of 10. I remember the episode when the Professor had regrets on being stuck on the island, because he invented everything useful for modern civilization on the island.
A lot of these didn't make sense! I assume 3 was to cut food and not what the French used it for...LOL! BTW, all those things existed in the '60's so technically he didn't "invent" anything!
About 5 seconds, counting opening and closing the door.
We were riding through Hollywood in the back of a van, and a couple of others were trying to figure out how to approach opening a coconut they had bought. When the van stopped for a light, I grabbed the coconut away from them, slung open the sliding door, leaped out, slammed the coconut down on the curb as hard as I could, leaped back in, slammed the door and handed them the opened coconut.
I did not take note of how far and in what directions the pedestrians scattered.
We were riding through Hollywood in the back of a van, and a couple of others were trying to figure out how to approach opening a coconut they had bought. When the van stopped for a light, I grabbed the coconut away from them, slung open the sliding door, leaped out, slammed the coconut down on the curb as hard as I could, leaped back in, slammed the door and handed them the opened coconut.
I did not take note of how far and in what directions the pedestrians scattered.
I got 6/10. I got #1, 4, 6, and 10 wrong. Great inventions. I didn't pay attention, did he try to make something to get rescued off the island.